JSA: Classified #2

Writer: Geoff Johns Artist: Amanda Conner Publisher: DC Comics Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 2
6.5Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Shawn Hill Aug 28, 2005

    Conner plays on this problem by never showing Supergirl up close in the airplane rescue sequence. Shes just a squeaky voice in the distance that Clark quickly dismisses, but Karens problems are beyond his means, too. I take a lot of solace from the final panel, though, as Ive enjoyed many previous appearances of PGs revealed tormenter. Second issues are good places to get the villain in place; lets hope their antagonistic tussle results in more, rather than less, definition for our threatened heroine. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comics Bulletin - Jim Kingman Aug 28, 2005

    I originally felt that Amanda Conners artwork, both here and in JSA Classified #1, conveyed a slight Manga style that I am not exactly comfortable with. Then I began to study a few of the individual panels and discovered more subtle details. Im warming up to it. The key sequence on page 19 involving Power Girls openness with Superman atop the Daily Planet building is particularly emotional, especially when Karas eyes begin to well up with tears. That got to me. Heres hoping she gets her due. Its time to give Power Girl a real history, a solid identity, and comfortable sense of self. Shes always been a power girl, now lets see her as a power player. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - John Hays Aug 28, 2005

    One question regarding the story would be: whats the deal with the ring found by those examining the rocket? If its supposed to be a Legion flight ring, then that seems like an error, since so far everything that the Psycho Pirate has thrown at Kara has only been seen by her. Hopefully theres something else going on with that ring. Obviously there are things we do not yet know, because Ive never known Psycho Pirate to be able to construct illusionary people out of thin air. Who is the third party behind the illusions? Im looking forward to finding out! Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Comics Bulletin - Shaun Manning Aug 28, 2005

    There are seeds, here, of a good story. Heroes from the future, who may or may not have sent one of their own to protect our era; covert government agents vying to find the truth only to suppress it; Superman and his extended dysfunctional family; a villain whose presence means a very certain brand of trouble. But nearly every punch here is blocked, and the roundhouse blow misses by a mile. Readers want to know Power Girls origin, and they want it to be a blockbuster. Here, though, what is meant as plot-thickening mystery and misdirection instead comes across as jerking the reader around. At some point, fans may just decide to cut their losses and choose to believe in the Silver Age story that PG is Supermans cousin from Krypton, or even (God forbid) the more current version that shes the granddaughter of an Atlantean sorcerer. Of course, a more compelling origin is much desired, and it should not be beyond the talents of this creative team to deliver. And if Johns and Conner Read Full Review

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