I'm still a little sad we aren't getting a little Guy Gardner thrown in (he certainly could use the break from the Brightest Day nonsense he seems to be trapped in), but I'm happy to see the return of Blue Beetle so quickly. Also, I've got to say just having Batman back with the JLI is pretty damn cool. Worth a look. Read Full Review
Bennett shows off some impressive comedic chops here, using a few sight gags and static panels to nail some of the jokes Winick has set up. This issue really feels like a wonderful blend of the 80s-era JLI and the modern superhero style. In other words, it's really damn good. Read Full Review
It's a twenty page story, but it certainly feels like less than that given the cumulative effect of the stories advanced herein. What does happen is that some long-running story beats that have been scattered across DC Universe titles are starting to come together. Winick's got two issues left to wrap things up or spin things off, and from the end of this issue, I'd dare say either direction is certainly possible. Read Full Review