Justice League of America #29

Writer: Len Wein Artist: Chris Cross Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: January 21, 2009 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 1
5.8Critic Rating
6.5User Rating

A "Faces of Evil"issue! Dr. Light's powers are fully restored, but at what cost? Meanwhile, with the Shadow Cabinet out of the way, Shadow Thief is more powerful than ever. But even if the JLA manages to stop him, there's still the little problem of Starbreaker, who is one step closer to consuming the sun.

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Bin - Herv St-Louis Jan 25, 2009

    Reading Len Wein as the writer for this issue, I feared thatwe would read a narrative that has not evolved with time. Thankfully, Weinswriting has evolved and was suitable for this story. I did find that the clichremark of Earth being a backwater planet repeated one too many time " how manyscience fiction writers have used this to show how Earth should not be athreat?Chriscross work was suitable for a storyinvolving the old Justice League. It was cartoony and with simple lines. Yet,the storytelling was excellent and the dynamism of the page was second tonone. It was a fun story to readvisually. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    IGN - Dan Phillips Jan 21, 2009

    On the positive side of things, I think there are definite plusses to reading a comic that gleefully and unapologetically tells a story involving a vampire that sucks the life-force from planets, Superman and Green Lantern pulling the Earth back into orbit, and the JLA using the positive karma of Earth's citizens to overcome great odds. There's just a way to do this sort of thing without making it feel like the reader accidentally picked up a 1970's copy of Justice League as opposed to one from 2009. Wein never accomplishes that, and as a result, the issue doesn't really hold up to modern standards, even if its told with the clarity and craft of a legendary veteran. To a certain extent, fans expect different things from their superhero comics now than they did two or three decades ago, and I don't think this issue delivers many of them. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Book Resources - Timothy Callahan Jan 21, 2009

    "Justice League of America" #29 ends with a lead-in to some kind of epic Shadow Thief story. I have no idea who's writing that one, because even though the DC website says "Dwayne McDuffie," we know better than to trust the reliability of that. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Feb 2, 2009

    Hmm... This issue's storyis one that I've read before (though the story itself is nearly as old as I am, I have a pretty good run of Bronze Age JLA) but the overall comic is a mixed blessing. Chris Cross does interesting work, not at all reminiscent of his days on Blood Syndicate, and Len Wein delivers an interesting retro treatment of the team. I can't tell if I'm old, if Len is intentionally tweaking the cliche dialogue of 1972, or what, but some of the lines were cheesy in an almost awesome way, while others fell seriously flat. Having Arthur Curry throw the final punch that takes him down reminds me of why I miss Aquaman (Let's see YOU get by underwater the way that he does on the ground!) and there's some nice team moments as well. Problem is, it's not our CURRENT team... The weakness of the book comes in having it be mostly flashback, especially at a point where last issue's storyline was starting to coalesce into something I was interested in. It's almost a non-s Read Full Review

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