Justice League of America #51

Writer: James Robinson Artist: Mark Bagley Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: November 17, 2010 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 4
7.7Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

In "Justice League: Omega" part 2, as the battle between the JLA and the Crime Syndicate within the Hall of Justice explodes into the streets of Washington D.C., a new villain bent on his own form of conquest prevents any other heroes from helping save the nation's capital. It's up to five members of the Justice League to save the city's people, with serious repercussions for one Leaguer, who may turn to the dark side. In order to help their teammates, Bill and Mikaal must begin an odyssey across the world that will evoke memories of Prometheus.

  • 9.6
    Supergirl Comic Box Commentary - Anj Nov 19, 2010

    I thought this was a great issue. It just overflows with action. The threats are both huge (Omega Man) and smaller (the Crime Syndicate). Robinson continues to explore these characters and their motivations, showing how they are the Justice League but they aren't the big 7. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Bin - Herv St-Louis Dec 30, 2010

    Robinson pads a fun story here where he continues to push this junior Justice League to the next level, proving they are not just replacements for the real Justice League. What Robinson has for him, what hes always had was a thorough understanding of DC Comics history and where each character fits in. For example, I like how Blue Jay assumes no one remembers him and his time with the Justice League. It shows his inferiority complex, while at the same time allowing the character to redeem his worth, by taking out Owlman at the first opportunity. This is the same Owlman who is an exact match for Batman and gave the second Batman, Richard Grayson a lot of trouble. Robinsons run on this series has not been liked by all. Its been criticized severely. Coupled with the Justice League mini-series he wrote last year that helped destroy Green Arrow and Arsenal, he has a lot to prove. But this is the writer who wrote Starman and the Golden Age mini-series. Before writing him off, Ill give him mor Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Nov 19, 2010

    "Justice League of America" has been an up-and-down roller coaster ride for me lately. Some months it is dead on, reminding me of yesteryear while building up the future and other months it fails to remain memorable. This issue " and to this point, this story - is certainly one of the former. Robinson is crafting a nifty adventure here that promises to offer a lasting impact on the DCU. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    A Comic Book Blog - Wayland Nov 18, 2010

    There were several things I didn't care for here. Jade seems to be heading down the path to going dark and out of control once again, and not content with that, they do it to Supergirl as well. Two in the same issue? The Donna/Superwoman fight seems to be going nowhere, they just pound on each other. Donna, at the least, should be smarter than that, but she seems to keep being written as "Oh boy, I get to smash something/one" lately, which is really unlike her, as is the swearing. Omega Man still looks like a jazzed-up Darkseid to me. The Tangent GL is misused horribly here. Her power is to help bring back the dead to let them accomplish something. Well guess what? The whole planet is in danger, she's standing near a room full of dead heroes, and she just makes comments. And Congorilla just deciding to wander off and look for Starman seems odd. The art is overall good, but the colorist one again screwed up Wally's eyes in his few panels, and he's wearing the wrong costume. Read Full Review

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