Justice League of America #59

Writer: James Robinson Artist: Daniel Sampere Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: July 20, 2011 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 3
4.7Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

Eclipso is triumphant! He has defeated the world's greatest heroes, destroyed the moon and spit in the face of the greatest forces the universe. But one JLAer still stands. Can she make things right?

  • 7.0
    Supergirl Comic Box Commentary - Anj Jul 25, 2011

    While this issue felt rushed with a lot of slapdash plot endings, I still have to say I enjoyed Robinson's run. These were big stories with a 'Little 7' team fighting big threats. This whole run was better than I expected, certainly better than the League was portrayed in Cry for Justice. And all these characters ... Supergirl, Bill, Mikaal, Jade ... they were all treated as top tier heroes. Not sidekicks or offshoots of main characters. Frankly, I can't wait for next month's epilogue issue. It will be time to say goodbye to this group. Heck, it'll be time to say goodbye to these characters as they will change or be gone in the DCnU. Will there be a Donna, Jessie, Jade, Bill, and Mikaal in the DCnU? Will the new Supergirl resemble this one at all. I am sure Robinson is going to send them off well. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    A Comic Book Blog - Wayland Jul 27, 2011

    There are WAY too many loose ends here. I suppose Donna's "death" was a Blue Lantern illusion, but was Spectre's as well? How did they fix the moon? There's a weak attempt to link this story and Alan Scott being back to normal with the ugly traffic light, "I am paralyzed even though I'm made of energy" costume he's had in JSA, but it really doesn't work. Even the big crowd battle scene in Eclipso's head doesn't make sense- Captain Atom gets knocked around by energy blasts from Booster Gold? I guess more for the sake of riding it out than I really am liking this, I'll see what happens next month, and why Dick is disbanding them. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Jul 22, 2011

    Given the eternal, glacially paced build-up to Eclipso's reign of terror, it's pretty clear that the plans for this issue had to be changed when the trigger was pulled on the DCnU. Regular penciller Brett Booth is mercifully absent from this issue, which gives the visuals more oomph (Donna Troy doesn't look like a starving waif, for one thing) but there's no way to overcome the strong feeling that about three issues worth of developments were shoehorned into this one to wrap things up quickly. Robinson's run on this book has been a shaky sort of thing anyway, always seeming within inches of running completely off the rails, but now we don't even get a real conclusion to the 'Rise of Eclipso.' We don't know why Jesse is suddenly speed-forced again, we don't find out about Supergirl's sudden return, we don't even know whether the Shade (essentially lobotomized by Starman's light-bursts) is dead or alive. But, the editorial team wants to make it clear that Donna Troy is not and was never Read Full Review

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