Legends of the Dark Knight 100 Page Super Spectacular #3

8.0Critic Rating
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In “The Beautiful Ugly,” when Batman arrives on the scene to discover the final verdict in the case Two-Face argued against local gangs, will anyone go home happy? Then, when Clayface gives Batman the slip in “Break the Mold,” the Dark Knight Detective is hot on his trail. And Batman and Robin face an old foe at the Gotham Science Museum and ponder “Elements of Crime.” Plus, in “The Echo of Pearls,” young Bruce Wayne discovers a cave that sets echoes reverberating throughout his life.

  • 8.0
    Batman-News - Elena Carrillo Jun 22, 2014

    Is it super-spectacular? Very few books are going to live up to that hyperbole, but Legends is always the perfect book for rainy-day Batfans who don't want to get involved in long story arcs. Despite a few weaknesses, it's cover-to-cover fun: no bad aftertaste and plenty of warm fuzzies in terms of both cameos and a variety of art that will linger fondly for a while. It manages a good balance between the gritty and the campy, and for sheer entertainment, you can't ask for much more. I'm always hard-pressed to part with my shekels, but I'm glad I bought this. Read Full Review

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