Martian Manhunter #1
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Martian Manhunter #1

Writer: A.J. Lieberman Artist: Al Barrionuevo Publisher: DC Comics Critic Reviews: 4
6.0Critic Rating
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  • 8.0
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Krinn Aug 10, 2006

    Martian Manhunter #1 was a solid read. Lieberman served up a well written story with several interesting plotlines. Barrionuevo delivered nice looking art. This made Martian Manhunter a well balanced and enjoyable read. I'm glad to see J'onn getting a mini-series that is actually well done. I'm looking forward to the rest of this mini-series. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Kevin T. Brown Aug 14, 2006

    Overall, Martian Manhunter #1 has some good ideas, but they're mired in a clichd plot. While it's too late now, the story would be better served if Lieberman could shake loose the secret government project and focus in on what makes J'onn such a unique character. Right now though, the only thing unique about him is he's green with an odd shaped head. If DC wants this book to stand out, they need more than clichs. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comics Bulletin - Robert Murray Aug 11, 2006

    Yes, like I mentioned earlier, the plot is so familiar that it reeks of a cliched television show. First of all, we have the shadowy government agency that has been hiding the alien fugitive, but now wants the Martian dead before he can cause too much trouble. How many times must we be subjected to this plot device? Cripes, youd think that theres a government agency to control every aspect of life on Earth (Is there one for SBC regulation? I know too much!)! The issue has a lot of similarities to the anime series Elfen Lied, which features a strange creature with telepathic powers who is being hunted by a murderous organization, among other things. Theres nothing in this issue that you havent seen already done better. You might think that the good-looking art by Al Barrionuevo and Bit might save the day, but their work is remarkably ineffective. The sequential storytelling just doesnt flow very well, and there are some instances where the constant monologue by Jonn and the Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Diana Kingston Aug 17, 2006

    I personally think this is symptomatic of a larger problem with J'onn J'onzz: he's basically an amalgam of other, more popular DCU figures. He's the last Martian just as Superman is the last Kryptonian, he's detached from humanity but walks among them like Batman, he has a strong moral center like Hal Jordan... the character has never struck me as "individualized" in any sense, and maybe that's why this issue is too generic to be distinctive on any level. It's sort of like how a Black-Eyed Peas album sounds like one 72-minute song: after a while, it just grates, and you wish the tune would change. Read Full Review

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