Mister Terrific #3

Writer: Eric Wallace Artist: Scott Clark Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: November 9, 2011 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 1
4.0Critic Rating
5.5User Rating

With the city of Los Angeles tearing itself apart, Mister Terrific battles the mind-leech known as Brainstorm to stop him from draining its citizens dry. But when a shocking secret from Michael's past is revealed, a hero is pushed over the edge. Will this be the end of Mister Terrific?

  • 6.5
    Comic Book Bin - Herv St-Louis Nov 26, 2011

    Im still rooting for this series to work its magic and find an audience. I really like this character but there are a few plot holes. Wallace glances over core elements so quickly and then brings them back as if they had been well-established. He did that the previous issue with people knowing Michael Holt was affected by a temporary madness and quickly exonerated. This issue, he does the same with the extent of Mister Terrifics secret identity. At first glance, it seems that everyone knows or can easily make tie the two. But apparently thats not the case. There isnt enough distinction when the character is a super hero and when he is a business man. The villain quickly figured out the secret identity thing and used it against Mister Terrific. The ideas for this series are good, but there are too many important points that are continually skipped over. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - Minhquan Nguyen Nov 15, 2011

    You might say this issue concludes our hero's first outing and exposure to the comics-reading public. As such, it's very unimpressive indeed, doing little to ingratiate the character or engage our interest. There are too many titles deserving reading for me to keep up with one that's so stubbornly middling. Chalk this one up as Dropped. Read Full Review

  • 3.5
    IGN - Poet Mase Nov 9, 2011

    There's plenty in Mister Terrific #3 to criticize and precious little to praise. I can't decide whether the character himself is an insurmountable obstacle keeping this title from succeeding or whether it's the approach to the character taken by the creators that is acting like anchor to pull down this title, but the result is the same. This series is truly awful, and this book shows no sign that the title's course will be changing soon. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    Comic Vine - Mat 'Inferiorego' Elfring Nov 9, 2011

    I'm passionate about this book because I'm a big Mr Terrific and JSA fan. While it's nice to see this character get some love from DC, it stinks that they wouldn't put a stronger creative team on this book. DC has alluded that this is the first Earth-2 book, which may feature more JSA members (and Huntress, which is currently out), but if all the books are on the same level as this one, I don't want them. While I enjoyed the foreground art and the end of the issue, I essentially hated everything else. This may have become my least favorite book of the new 52... featuring one of my favorite characters. Read Full Review

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