Bruce Wayne, Diana Prince, and Clark Kent each wake in a cold sweat, troubled by strange dreams they’ve had about “the rabbit,” “the star child,” and “the witch.” Their investigation into these enigmatic visions brings them to unexpected locales and unusual characters, but none more unusual than the mysterious “rabbit” from their dreams as they find themselves face-to-face with the one and only Bugs Bunny. What the heck is going on here? And who in the name of the Multiverse are “the star child” and “the witch”?The hit video game spills from your screen and into the DCU, and it’s bringing a whole lot of friends fromore
Multiversus: Collision Detected #1 is a great start at what looks to be a fun multi-universe event. Miller captures the less serious side of Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman in a way that doesn't cheapen who they are at their core concept. It will be interesting to see how this series progresses as the cast expands and if it follows the common tropes associated with these types of stories or can put a twist on it to make it unique/ Read Full Review
I kind of wish this first issue had been a little wilder, though, with most of the potential being kept for the cliffhanger. Instead, this first issue focuses almost entirely on the DC trinity of Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman as they find their dreams haunted by mysterious sigils ones that seem awfully familiar to us. Read Full Review
Overall, MultiVersus: Collision Detected is setting up what looks to be a fun romp. While it isn't changing the game with a groundbreaking story, it's a mix of famous characters, and the promise of a bonker, multiversal story stacked with action feels promising. For a 6 issue series, I would've liked to have seen a first issue with a little more oomph, as we don't have much time to waste. But, considering the game's complex and fast-paced nature, this comic has the potential for an exhilarating multiverse journey. Read Full Review
this is a surprisingly entertaining debut issue