One villain is dead, but his body has been removed from the grave. A second villain has seemingly vanished, and a new force has emerged. But is Nightwing already too late to stop their crimes?
Nightwing #128 was another good read. When was the last time that you could say that about back to back issues of Nightwing? Wolfman is definitely doing his job in resurrecting this moribund title. I have a positive feeling that Nightwing is just going to continue to improve over the course of Wolfman's run on this title. I'm not at the point where I'd recommend this title to anyone. However, if you have always liked Dick Grayson's character, but gave up on this title a while back then maybe it is time for you to give Nightwing another try. Read Full Review
So to those who dropped this title during Bruce Jones' run, come back! Marv Wolfman is the regular writer and, while Dan Jurgens won't be the regular artist, Jamal Igle is coming on board with Nightwing #129. All is well once again, and the upside is high. This is a title to keep an eye on in 2007. Read Full Review