Nightwing #144

Writer: Peter J. Tomasi Artist: Rags Morales, Don Kramer Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: May 7, 2008 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 2
7.1Critic Rating
6.8User Rating

While still dealing with the fallout from attacking the League of Assassins' secret island stronghold, Nightwing must face a hostage situation under the mean streets of New York City. "Freefall" part 5.

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Kevin Powers May 10, 2008

    This is a great issue of Nightwing and I really think Tomasi is hitting his stride. His last issue of Green Lantern Corps was his best to date as is this issue of Nightwing. He knows the type of story he wants to tell and I think he's found the right voice and character-driven formula he wants to accomplish. Read Full Review

  • 7.4
    IGN - Dan Phillips May 7, 2008

    Overall, Tomasi's decision to focus on character over plot means that each of his issues lives or dies on the merits of their individual scenes, and lately, he's become far more skilled at figuring out what seemingly unrelated (as far as plot goes) types of character pieces are worth exploring and what ones should be left on the cutting room floor. I for one am glad to see less superfluous superhero cameos and more explorations of Dick's job as a New York based crime fighter, even if the one he gives us here has little connection to anything else in the book. I'm also curious to see how long Tomasi will take to actually wrap up or even tie-together the Creighton Kendall plotline he's touched upon briefly in each of his issues. I understand that he's decided on an approach that's more suited towards an extended run, but at some point, he'll have to give readers some sort of a conclusion, especially when you consider the current written-for-the-trade reality of mainstream comics. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Kirk Warren May 7, 2008

    My only real complaint right now is that I think Tomasi might be taking things a bit too slow. Yes, I love the character moments that have been littered throughout his run so far, but at times it feels like a little too much fanservice (not the T&A kind) and not enough focus or story development. It's a small complaint, but something I hope he picks up the pace on. Read Full Review

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