Outsiders #26

Writer: Dan DiDio Artist: Philip Tan Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: January 20, 2010 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 2
2.5Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

Katana and Black Lightning are dispatched to deal with a terrifying disturbance on the open seas. Meanwhile, Geo-Force is recalled to Markovia to handle affairs of state. But when Prince Brion makes a deal with a certain Kryptonian to join the team, the Outsiders find themselves cast as enemies in the eyes of the world!

  • 3.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Ryan Schrodt Jan 22, 2010

    This issue has a lot going for it, but it fails to bring it all together. The end result is a clunky, disjointed read that shows promise in its craft, but the enjoyment factor never really kicks in. When I finished the issue, I was interested in seeing how Didio would progress as writer over the next few issues and not in where the story was going; that's not a good thing by any means. Read Full Review

  • 2.0
    Comic Book Resources - Chad Nevett Jan 21, 2010

    This isn't exactly an auspicious debut of the DiDio/Tan era on "Outsiders." The writing is dull and bad, while the art is inconsistent and puzzling. The big reveal at the end shows some promise of redemption as it's an interesting idea that could cause further dissension in the group, but considering the state of the Superman books, one has to wonder if the timing is right -- a question that's disheartening considering that the writer of this comic is DC's executive editor. Read Full Review

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