Batman and the Outsiders #5

Writer: Chuck Dixon Artist: Julian Lopez Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: March 19, 2008 Critic Reviews: 4
7.0Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

The Outsiders run into trouble while a recon mission for Batman at a European Space Administration site in South America! And who exactly are the body-hopping duo that have been assisting the Outsiders in their mission?

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Bryant Frattalone Mar 27, 2008

    For a team book that really lives up to the name pick up Batman and the Outsiders today. Read Full Review

  • 7.5
    IGN - Dan Phillips Mar 19, 2008

    One final complaint I have with this series is the team, which seems to change from issue to issue. Are Grace and Thunder on the team? Are the two famous characters that show up this issue? Is Green Arrow? Even he doesn't seem to know his status. Batman, Batgirl, Metamorpho, Geoforce and Katana make a good core cast, but the team can definitely use a couple new faces. Read Full Review

  • 6.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Krinn Mar 24, 2008

    Batman and the Outsiders #5 is nothing more than your typical standard issue comic book. I wouldn't recommend this title to anyone other than hardcore Batman fans and die-hard Outsiders fans. The story is too generic and nothing of real interest is happening on this title that would warrant readers to spend their hard earned money on this title. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Kirk Warren Mar 19, 2008

    This issue sees Batman escape being sniped with the aid of the Dibney's. Yes, the Ghost Detectives take control of the two sharpshooters to save the unaware Batman. Meanwhile, the Outsiders fight a generic nobody villain that the Suicide Squad must have missed in their little purge for Salvation Run. They don't do so well and Geo-Force was called in to save their behind. I'm still a bit in the dark as to what this storyline is even about, what with the OMACs coming out of the woodworks, random rocket launches and the multitude of fights. The book isn't really built on plot, so I'm just enjoying it for the sort of summer action flick feel to the book. Read Full Review

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