Power Girl #17

Writer: Judd Winick Artist: Sami Basri Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: October 20, 2010 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 1
7.7Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

Power Girl has a murder mystery to solve, but she's got some particularly talented friends in the detecting business. Enter: Batman!

  • 8.0
    Comic Book Resources - Doug Zawisza Oct 24, 2010

    Like Gray, Palmiotti, and Conner before them, Winick and Basri are making this comic a great read. This character has frequently (and unfortunately) correlated only to her cup size, but in the time that she's had her own solo series, she has grown as a character and this series itself has become one of the highlights that I look forward to each and every month. Yes, I said each and every month. Since climbing on board, this creative team has delivered on time for almost half a year with no fill-ins, backups, or skipped issues. That alone is something to be celebrated, and the fact that month-in and month-out the stories under the cover of "Power Girl" are enjoyable and entertaining make this book a title you should seriously take a second look at. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - Zack Freeman Oct 20, 2010

    For a character who, at first glance, would seem limited to silly cheescake stories, Power Girl's actually one of the better realized characters in the DC. You can honestly put her in a situation and know she'll react in a way that's uniquely hers, not that of an average "lead." It's that strong three-dimensionality of character that's made this book worth picking up over the months... and it's that quality that continues to make it worthwhile. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp Oct 20, 2010

    The next issue should have another big throwdown and more answers, but this issue works well on its own (mostly for the early scenes with Batman). Worth a look. Read Full Review

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