Red Robin #11

Writer: Chris Yost Artist: Marcus To Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: April 7, 2010 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 3
8.1Critic Rating
9.0User Rating

"Collision" races to its conclusion as Ra's al Ghul's endgame for Red Robin begins. The Men of Death are on the move in Gotham City, and Red Robin, Batgirl and Prudence set out to stop them from killing everyone Bruce Wayne ever cared about. But before he can take on Ra's, Red Robin has to get past Gotham City's own protectors...

  • 9.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Ryan Schrodt Apr 8, 2010

    Red Robin continues its run as, by far, the strongest comic in the Batman franchise at the moment. Chris Yost and Marcus To not only put together a great issue here but also prove that they have the chops to take on any character in the franchise. They've only got one issue left, which is a huge bummerlet's hope there are more teamups with this creative team to tackle these characters somewhere down the road! Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    Weekly Comic Book Review - DS Arsenault Apr 7, 2010

    I can't wait for part four! Red Robin is top of my pull list again! Fun characters packed in edge-of-your-seat action… Pick it up. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Comic Book Resources - James Hunt Apr 12, 2010

    Yost's run on "Red Robin" has been consistently enjoyable, and with only one more issue to go (following the final part of this story in "Batgirl") things are coming full circle in a satisfying way. It might not be a high-profile series, but it's a fun slice of super-hero fiction that recognizes its strengths and plays to them. Read Full Review

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