Robin #176

Writer: Fabian Nicieza Artist: Chris Batista Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: August 6, 2008 Critic Reviews: 3
6.7Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

"Batman: R.I.P." Aftermath! With Batman missing, Robin becomes the new Dark Knight. Robin and Spoiler get in an all-out brawl with Gotham City's underworld--but with Batman's trail growing cold, the end of this fight will decide the future of the Bat family!

  • 8.0
    Comics Bulletin - Joey Davidson Aug 7, 2008

    Fabian Nicieza is the new writer for Robin from #175 on out. He brings a more mature and intense feel than Dixon did. Nothing against Dixon there, but readers looking for a darker Robin will find it. His ability to tie this book in with R.I.P. is working wonderfully and the book has done a lot to make me excited, not only about Robin, but about the main Batman line as well. Looking forward to more already! Read Full Review

  • 6.2
    IGN - Dan Phillips Aug 6, 2008

    It almost seems as if Nicieza opted for this fragmented structure just because Batman RIP itself boasts a complicated narrative form. Again, I don't think attempting to follow in Grant Morrison's footsteps in any way is the wisest move. That much was made clear by Peter Tomasi and Paul Dini in their respective RIP tie-ins this week, which worked because (and not despite) their decisions to link up with Morrison's tale in only the most superficial of ways. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Weekly Crisis - Kirk Warren Aug 6, 2008

    Was hoping for some confrontation with the insane Batman, but they at least showed the fight with the Club of Villains from the last issue of RIP and it looks like we'll see a follow up on that next month. Good issue that adds something to the event while standing on its own for those that don't care about RIP. Can't ask for much more. Read Full Review

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