Sensation Comics Featuring Wonder Woman #25

Writer: Heather Nuhfer Artist: Ryan Benjamin Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: February 18, 2015 Cover Price: $0.99 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 1
7.5Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

Wonder Woman's latest mission is to help India's space program, making it safe for them to launch their new SpaceCrops platform. But when Diana discovers LexCorp caused the problem, she takes matters into her own hands! "Sabotage Is in the Stars," part 1 of 1.

  • 10
    Newsarama - Michael Moccio Feb 26, 2015

    Listen up, comic book fans, especially the ones like me who have been demanding for more diversity in our medium. Sensation Comics #25 is a perfect example of everything Wonder Woman is about: empowering other women, protecting everyone she can, and inspiring them to be better than they ever thought possible Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Mar 8, 2015

    While we get some great artwork in general here in a more traditional style than Sensation Comics usually does, the story itself is one that just falls apart as it goes along and feels nonsensical. The pieces are here, but the bridging aspects to bind it are minimal at best and often missing, leaving you uncertain of what the story is until you reread it once or twice. While the story left me cool to say the least, I definitely liked Ryan Benjamin's art to see his take on Diana, which is complemented very well by the color design for it all. While I've been thoroughly enjoying Sensation Comics overall, there haven't been too many misses for me. But this one is definitely a swing and a miss unfortunately. Read Full Review

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