Superman Annual #13
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Superman Annual #13

Writer: Kurt Busiek Artist: Renato Guedes, Carlos Pacheco, D. Williams Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: November 28, 2007 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 2
5.0Critic Rating
8.5User Rating

Continued from SUPERMAN #667! It's Kryptonian versus magic, in an all-out confrontation between Superman and Arion, beneath the Atlantic. But how does Superman battle a sorcerer? And what does it mean for the fate of the world?

  • 6.0
    IGN - Dan Phillips Nov 28, 2007

    Because DC has decided to use their Annuals as a format to publish stories that should've seen print long, long ago, this issue includes a superfluous back-up story that I can only assume is supposed to make us forgive DC for the editorial screw-up. In short, Kurt Busiek and Fabien Nicieza's back-up story didn't even come close to making me forget I waited several months for this issue's main story. It's a sappy, nostalgia-heavy story about the Kents, Lois Lane, Superman, Supergirl, Krypto and Christopher Kent having a picnic on a foreign planet, and that's about the extent of what occurs in this handful of pages. Save your time and close the book once you finish the Camelot Falls finale. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comics Bulletin - Bryant Frattalone Dec 11, 2007

    What could have been another great and memorable story in the annals of the Man of Tomorrow ends in the worst way for an action character; boringly. Read Full Review

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