Superman / Batman #74

Writer: Paul Levitz Artist: Jerry Ordway Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: July 21, 2010 Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 2
8.0Critic Rating
6.5User Rating

Luthor's plan for the planet Lexor progresses while Superman and Batman search for those behind the cult that wants to sacrifice Lois in the name of their Man of Steel god. "Worship" Part 3.

  • 8.0
    Major Spoilers - Brian Jul 25, 2010

    The one thing that I like about the Superman/Batman title (that's been failing me lately) is that with each new story arc, you have the hope of a great story. Since the start of this year, I don't think there's been a Superman/Batman worth buying (besides the Annual). This story would have been great if they had just made it two issues and removed all the content about the other world. The next issue is the 75th issue and promises a wide variety of great talent and multiple stories. I'm really excited to read it and hope that it's the end of this downward spiral of depression I get every time I pick up this title. The next two issues after that have some promising advertising, but one should always be on the look out for lies in that department. If you're a praying person, I think it's time we started praying for this title.WHEN DOES THE HURTING STOP? Read Full Review

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