Brian's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Major Spoilers, ComicBuzz, IGN Reviews: 28
7.4Avg. Review Rating

Army of Darkness #27

Apr 15, 2010

Over all, it's a very good story and very enjoyable to read. Like I said before, if your looking to get into the series, this is a great issue to start off at. I found myself nodding my head and smiling by the last page. I give this issue a 3 1/2 out of 5.

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Artifacts #2

Oct 26, 2010

So if you haven't picked up the first issue, I implore you to go out and buy both. You will not be dissappointed by it, it is a comic that reachs into you and drags you into the universe. It feels both familiar and at the same time like something new and exciting.

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Batman Beyond (2010) #1

Jul 2, 2010

I'm really excited for the next issue to come out. It really feels like a part of the show got mixed with Detective Comics. I know a lot of people had sour thoughts when they heard Adam Beechen was involved but he tells a tale worthy of its source material. Maybe if this mini sells well enough, it'll be the next DC Animated movie. I give Batman Beyond #1 four and a half stars out of five.

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Batman Beyond (2010) #2

Jul 23, 2010

If you enjoyed the first issue of this mini series, I'm sure you're going to enjoy this issue too. For those Batman Beyond fans out there, how could you resist buying this anyway? The story telling is great. The art however tends to get a little ugly whenever Bruce is on panel. This issue seems to have forgotten that Bruce Wayne has lips. I give this issue four out of five stars for making me feel that Batman Beyond is still alive and well somewhere out there.

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Birds Of Prey (2010) #2

Jun 21, 2010

This is a very easy title to pick up. There's no prior knowledge needed to understand what's going on; unlike a certain Legion title. The characters are diverse and entertaining and the introduction of this new villain is nothing short of fun. If you're a fan of these characters' past adventures, then I'm sure you'll love to try and figure out this mystery as well. The art is nothing short of perfect and the writing is outstanding. I give this issue 4 out of 5 stars because, while awesome, it felt like it was only a very small piece to a larger puzzle. I get the impression that this entire issue took place over a 15 minute period of time and that, in the spectrum of the entire arc, isn't the best we're yet to see.

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Darkwing Duck #2

Jul 24, 2010

I've enjoyed reading this title so much; I've asked my LCS to add it to my pull list from now on. This is the first and only comic on my list that is targeted toward a younger demographic. It is a very easy title to get into with only two issues out but they make it even easier by adding a "Previously in Darkwing Duck" section to the back of the front cover. Right now is a great time to get into a cartoon comic book (see my Batman Beyond #2 review for more cartoon fun). I give this comic five out of five stars because every time I read it, it puts a smile on my face, it's visually appealing, very well written, full of nostalgia, and makes me eager to run to the comic shop for the next issue.

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Faction #1

Jul 16, 2010

If you plan to buy this comic, I would have to say that it's MANDATORY that you buy the 0 issue too. Without the assistance of the 0 issue, I'd almost say that this is unreadable. This title is in desperate need of a "Understanding This World 101" section. I give this comic one star out of five only because of some hidden potential in the script.

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Flash (2010) #2

May 16, 2010

I'm very much interested in becoming a Flash fan so I plan to stick with this title for a little longer. However, I'm not a fan yet. So far the first two issues have been rather fair. I really hope the story picks up more momentum (pun intended) but have to give this issue 3 out of 5 stars. It's visual appeal is the only thing that makes it slightly above average.

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God of War (2010) #1

Apr 3, 2010

Over all, I have to say that I'm very excited for the next issue to come out. The art is slightly better in my mind than it appears on the page however the story is strong and so far lives up the franchises' standard. I give this issue a 4 and a half star rating and am off to play the original game again.

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God of War (2010) #2

May 27, 2010

I love the game so I'm going to have to take into account my bias when I judge this issue.The first issue was great and the art didn't bother me because there was just enough light sources to show me what was happening. When you have to struggle to understand that you're looking at a guy getting hit in the chest with a flail, it doesn't help you enjoy the title even if you can hear their voices in your head. I have to give this issue one and a half star. The story gives it two and a half for just being dull and the art drops it down another whole star for being hard to look at.

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L. A. Banks' Vampire Huntress #1

Aug 5, 2010

This comic features strong men and equally strong women so, by all means, share it with your significant other. You'll both be able to enjoy it. I'm intrigued by this title and want to seek out the previous twelve volumes. I really appreciate that they have a section to catch you up on their prior events, too. I give this issue four out of five stars for their beautiful art work and compelling story. I would imagine that any fan of Buffy the Vampire Slayer would quickly become a fan of Vampire Huntress and vice versa.

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Penny for Your Soul #1

Jun 5, 2010

I think that the concept of the story is amazing and could be made into an incredible story we'll not soon forget. At a few points of the story, I wasn't sure if I was offended or not but as I kept reading on, those feelings quickly went away. It all seems to be done in the name of fun and I don't think should be taken too seriously. The art is amazing and I'm a fan of looking at JB and Oren's women. I give this issue four and a half out of five stars and am incredibly eager to get my hands on the next issue due out in August.

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Penny for Your Soul #2

Jul 30, 2010

The art is still pleasant to look at. The tone feels like it would be right at home with the likes of Top Cow's Witchblade and The Darkness (I could totally see them making cameo appearances in the crowds). The story telling is still entertaining with a little more than a hint of deviousness to it. I give this issue four out of five stars and am very happy that I've added this title to my pull list. Here's hoping that issue three maintains the same quality of story telling and art that the first two issues have.

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Pilot Season: Stealth #1

May 7, 2010

I would be very sad indeed if this story doesn't see a second issue. The art matches the story telling and is simply amazing. It really raises too many emotions, questions and worries to not be finished. I give Pilot Season: Stealth #1 five out of five stars. While I don't care for the other characters, I feel that the story of Todd and his father is strong enough to carry the title with ease.

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Red Hood: The Lost Days #2

Jul 9, 2010

After a first issue that feels like I read it years ago and a second issue that feels like it didn't need to exist, I'm not sure how much hope I have left that the series is going to deliver the kind of story I was hoping to get. Funny thought though; at times I had to remind myself that this wasn't a Brightest Day resurrection we're dealing with and should stop wondering when the White Lantern ring would appear on his hand. It's just a fair issue if anything. It tells a story. Not a necessary story but a story none the less. I give this issue two and a half stars for leaving me completely luke warm.

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Street Fighter II Turbo #12

Apr 9, 2010

I give the series really high marks for being a faithful and fun adaptation to the game. I'm almost saddened that it's over but thankfully I can look to their Street Fighter Legends series to continue possible side stories. I give this issue a 3 1/2 out of 5 stars because they raised questions I doubt they'll answer and the final page didn't give me the closure I wanted to have for a seven year story.

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Street Fighter Legends: Ibuki #2

Apr 23, 2010

While I do like to see a balance of action and story in my Street Fighter comics, I did enjoy this issue very much. Like I said before, there is something awfully familiar with this story though. I feel like it's probably been done once or twice in an anime. Despite not being the most original tale, it still comes off as an enjoyable read. The art is beautiful and the covers are gorgeous. I'm going to give Ibuki's second issue 3 and a half stars because, while it probably won't be the best part of the 4 part series, I think it will be an important piece to an excellent overall tale.

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Street Fighter Legends: Ibuki #3

Jul 23, 2010

With one more issue left to go before Ibuki's story ends, I'm very pleased at the pacing this series had compared to Chun-Li's. I think that Mr. Zubkavich is one of the more talented writers that I've read in a while and Omar Dogan reassures me why he's a favorite artist of mine. I give this issue four out of five stars and have to resist rating it higher because I'm already bias towards the art/artist.

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Superman / Batman (2003) #70

Mar 25, 2010

I'm both excited and bored with this story. I find the alien terrorist Mr. Gaines to be quite dull while his hired muscle to be rather interesting. I have a feeling that the final battle is going to be somewhat disappointing but hope that this story launches NRG-X into more of a regular rotation of villains. All in all, I have to give this issue a low mark because I feel that the entirety of this comic could have been told in about 5 or 6 pages. I did enjoy the art however, so I'm giving it a star higher than I otherwise would have. I give this issue 2 and a half stars.

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Superman / Batman (2003) #71

Apr 23, 2010


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Superman / Batman (2003) #72

May 21, 2010

I was hoping this issue would be more exciting than it was after coming off of a rather lack luster arc previously. I think this would have scored much better if the art didn't seem like someone was experimenting and just stuck to what worked. I give this story a 3 out of 5 just for the sake that Paul Levitz seems to be starting off a very well thought out tale that should hopefully remind me of why this is one of my favorite comics.

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Superman / Batman (2003) #74

Jul 25, 2010

The one thing that I like about the Superman/Batman title (that's been failing me lately) is that with each new story arc, you have the hope of a great story. Since the start of this year, I don't think there's been a Superman/Batman worth buying (besides the Annual). This story would have been great if they had just made it two issues and removed all the content about the other world. The next issue is the 75th issue and promises a wide variety of great talent and multiple stories. I'm really excited to read it and hope that it's the end of this downward spiral of depression I get every time I pick up this title. The next two issues after that have some promising advertising, but one should always be on the look out for lies in that department. If you're a praying person, I think it's time we started praying for this title.WHEN DOES THE HURTING STOP?

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Superman / Batman (2003) Annual #4

Jun 6, 2010

Finally I have a Batman Beyond comic in my collection. That alone fills me with so much joy that I have to send a massive THANK YOU to DC. Art Germs cover is simply beautiful but there are still a few continuity questions that need cleaning up. The art wasnt the best but it wasnt so bad that it took away from the story telling. I give this issue three and a half stars out of five because while it may not be perfect, its so much better than what we had before. Very schway!

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Titans (2008) #24

Jun 11, 2010

For the first issue in the title (I'm not counting the one-shot), I really enjoyed what I read. Sadly, I never got into Secret Six except for a Battle for the Cowl cross over issue. I'm sure I'll pick up some trades of it eventually but in the meanwhile I'm sure Titans will fill that need perfectly. I give this issue four and a half out of five stars.

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Titans (2008) #25

Jul 20, 2010

At the conclusion of their first multi-issue story, I'm liking what I'm seeing. Although I'm starting to see a pattern with DC using the same name for minor villains (see the Batman villain named Faade), everything else is entertaining. I'm really enjoying this artist's work on the title. Who ever hired Mr. Fiorentino found someone who could capture the tone of the book beautifully. I have to give this issue a solid three and a half stars because I'm expecting this kind of quality to be par for the course on this title. The story wasn't stand out but it was more fun than an average comic.

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Venom (2011) #1

Apr 19, 2011

So I would highly recommend any one who is enjoying the latest amazing spider-man, I would say get this. If you want to see how Flash Thompson is handling his life and at same time if you know nothing about Flash, then still jump in Remender tells you everything you need to know.

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Y: The Last Man #60

Jan 30, 2008

This gets my highest possible recommendation. If you're a regular reader with concerns about the finale living up to the hype, you have absolutely nothing to worry about. And if you're new to the world of Y altogether, now's a great time to pick up that first trade and start the journey.

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Zatanna #1

May 26, 2010

I have a feeling that this comic is going to have a rather long run so long as the writers don't fall into a rut. The characters seem to play well off each other even if our hero seems to be a bit too good at her job. I look forward to the day when Zee has to showdown with the likes of Felix Faust or a rematch with Dr. Light. Once they smooth out a few rough edges I think this comic will be a regular for a lot of people's pull lists. I give it 4 out of 5 stars.

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