Red Hood: The Lost Days #2

Writer: Judd Winick Artist: Pablo Raimondi, Cliff Richards Publisher: DC Comics Release Date: July 7, 2010 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 2
6.9Critic Rating
9.2User Rating

Newly resurrected and loose in the world, Jason finds himself alone, angry and seeking revenge. But what will happen when his blood lust takes him back to the streets of Gotham City?

  • 8.7
    Weird Science - Jim Werner Apr 21, 2017

    The artwork was split in this issue between Pablo Raimondi and Cliff Richards and the result left me feeling a little bit jarred. Don't get me wrong both are good artists, but any time there are more than one artist on any given issue, it can take me out of the story for a moment.This definitely happened to me here. Judd Winick continues to unravel an engaging, yet fascinating ball of story-yarn here. Batman's greatest failure has returned to reestablish himself among Gotham's pantheon of heroes and villains. Heads are about to roll! Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    IGN - Dan Phillips Jul 8, 2010

    Like the mini-series' debut issue, part two keeps its feet firmly grounded in reality, neglecting to mention the force that brought the former Robin back from the dead. It even goes a step further, using Jason's disinterest in the cause of his resurrection to powerfully highlight his pathological obsession with Batman. Once again, Talia and Ra's Al Ghul steal every scene they're in, as Winick does wonders with their turbulent relationship. The art, handled by both Pablo Raimondi and Cliff Richards, isn't nearly as impressive as the writing, but it does enough to call Red Hood: The Lost Days a success. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Comic Vine - inferiorego Jul 8, 2010

    I'm a little critical about this issue, mainly because I'm a huge fan of the creative team and the character. I have a feeling that overall, this will be a great series, but this singular issue feels like it's just setting up the next couple of issues and nothing more. I'd recommend this if you're into Jason Todd, but other than that, you may want to pass this book. It's really for fans only anyway. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Major Spoilers - Brian Jul 9, 2010

    After a first issue that feels like I read it years ago and a second issue that feels like it didn't need to exist, I'm not sure how much hope I have left that the series is going to deliver the kind of story I was hoping to get. Funny thought though; at times I had to remind myself that this wasn't a Brightest Day resurrection we're dealing with and should stop wondering when the White Lantern ring would appear on his hand. It's just a fair issue if anything. It tells a story. Not a necessary story but a story none the less. I give this issue two and a half stars for leaving me completely luke warm. Read Full Review

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