inferiorego's Comic Reviews

Reviewer For: Comic Vine Reviews: 94
7.6Avg. Review Rating

Action Comics (1938) #890

Jun 30, 2010

This book was incredibly refreshing to a series that's gone 890 issues. Sure, Superman has been gone from this book for almost a year, if not more, but I'm really enjoying Lex Luthor taking center stage here. It's nice to see a villain, who recently had a part in a major event, star in a book. This is one of the more interesting stories I've read in a while, and a new take on the world of the Lantern Corps. Highly recommend!

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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #631

May 13, 2010

I've never been the biggest Spider-Man fan, but there have been a few issues that I've really enjoyed, and this is now one of them. Maybe I read a little to into this issue, but that's what made it so enjoyable for me.

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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #632

May 26, 2010

PICK OF THE WEEK! This was the most fun I had reading a comic this week. It's characters I grew up with, and it puts a new spin on the characters. The art and writing are fabulous, and you don't have to be following this book hardcore to understand what's going on.

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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #636

Jul 8, 2010

This book really surprises me. I may not have liked part 2 of this story, but this issue completely surprised me. There's a lot of elements that, traditionally, I hate to see in books or films, but this issue proved to me that I don't have to hate the elements themselves, but merely the people writing it. This issue did a lot of things write in my opinion, and once again, even though I've never really liked Spider-Man, this book is continuously one of the best books at Marvel.

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Amazing Spider-Man (1999) #639

Aug 4, 2010

Surprisingly enough, this has been a great storyline so far. As much as I don't like to see whole issues of people working out relationship problems because I'd rather see heroes fighting villains, this issue works. For me, it's more than just a great story, with the added bonus of some fantastic looking artwork. I'd highly recommend this issue to anyone that's ever been a Spider-Fan. To everyone else, pick up issue 638 AND 639 to see what I'm talking about.

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Artifacts #1

Jul 28, 2010

100% enjoyable. There's lots of great stuff going on in this book, even if I'm completely confused. Ron Marz has been a writer under my radar for a while because I never got off my butt to read his stuff. Out of the two things I've recently read by him (This and Magdalena) he's two for two. It's wonderful to see another company do a giant cross-over story arc with their characters, and not just one or two appearing in each other's books, and even though this is only the first issue, and a lot of set-up, I have a feeling this book is going to be huge.

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Avengers: The Initiative #35

May 12, 2010

Don't pick this up if you don't normally read it. I'm sure if I was reading this monthly I would have really enjoyed this book, especially if I was following Siege, like everyone else. But the fact of the matter is I'm not following this book, and I'm not following Siege, so this book was enjoyable, but utterly confusing for me, even with the 1-Page catch-up in the beginning of the issue.

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Azrael (2009) #7

Apr 21, 2010

I hate to say it, but the book is just not a fun read. I struggled getting through this. I'm sure if the book picked up another artist, it would peak my interest a little more, but for now, I suggest passing this one by. The biggest problem is the cover compared to interior art. I understand you can't have interior art on the same quality level as the cover, but I'd like to see something a little better than what I paid for. 2/5

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Batman #698

Apr 14, 2010

I'm a Riddler fanboy, and this issue is Riddler heavy. So I'm pretty sure the score got bumped up a little because of it. But in all honesty, this was a pretty solid issue if you can get by the minor art problems I mentioned. For the first time, in a long time, I'm actually excited to see where this story goes. If this book continues to be this solid, it would easily become my favorite Bat-book.

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Batman #701

Jul 14, 2010

Great start to an incredibly revealing two issue story. If you were confused by the events of R.I.P. or Final Crisis, at least with everything Batman related, this is a MUST HAVE. Aside from that, it was flat-out a great read too. I'm not saying I lost faith in Morrison as a writer during those two story arcs, but it's stuff like this that reminds me why I like him.

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Batman Beyond (2010) #1

Jun 30, 2010

Ok, I'm bias, but as I read this book a second and a third time, just to make sure my biases didn't take over my rating and the overall review, I realized that the book isn't as good as I originally thought. Sure, I enjoyed it, a lot, but it was because I'm such a Batman Beyond fanboy. The issue is all set-up for the rest of the story, which is what most first issues are anyways, but I feel in a sense that I'm reading a revamping of Return of the Joker, but replacing Joker with another classic Wayne villain. Don't get me wrong, I am loving it, but so far, this feels a little stale for a character and world that has never truly had his own series, minus cartoon adaptations. I'm recommending the book, but fans be weary because this will feel a little too familiar to you.

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Batman Beyond (2010) #4

Sep 15, 2010

Why is this only six issues? I think this would be a superb on-going series, especially with Hush as a main villain. I had my doubts originally about whether this television series would transfer over to comics a decade later, but all my doubts have been blasted out of the water. This is a must read for fans of the television series, a must read for Batman fans, and a high recommendation to everyone else.

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Batman Confidential (2006) #45

Jun 3, 2010

Even though this isn't my favorite storyline in this comic, I'm so glad this book exists. It's really nice to see random creative team write and draw Batman the way they want to with things that interest them. I always recommend this book to people, and although not every storyline isn't a huge hit to me, it may be to someone else. If you're into zombies and vampires, pick this one up, you'll have fun; otherwise, wait until the next arc.

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Batman: Streets of Gotham #16

Sep 22, 2010

This is a great jumping on point for new readers, as long as you're aware what is going on in the batman universe. This is one of the best creative teams on any comic and is highly recommended if you're interested in the world that batman lives in.

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Black Widow (2010) #3

Jun 16, 2010

An incredibly solid issue, which surprised me since I am not really a fan of Black Widow. This book made me want more, just enough to go back and read the first two issues. I may be a little biased because I'm a huge fan of

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Booster Gold (2007) #33

Jun 9, 2010

I used to read this book religiously, but dropped off after 14 issues, so I wasn't that religious about reading it. I recommend picking up the issue prior to this, although this really does stand alone on its own. If you've ever enjoyed this character or the JLI, pick this book up. You will not be disappointed. You may actually LLOL. (Literally laugh out loud)

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Captain America (2004) #608

Aug 4, 2010

Yet again, we're getting into another amazing story arc by Ed Brubaker. This is one of those more rare occasions where the story is strong enough for me to ignore the fact I didn't like another aspect of the book. If you're a Captain America fan, pick this book up. Non-Cap fans may have trouble jumping in since so much has changed with this character over the past 5 years.

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Daredevil (1998) #507

Jun 9, 2010

If you've been reading the book, you'll love this. No doubt about it. This seems to be a great set-up for the upcoming Shadowland mini-series, so if you're interested in that, this would be a good book to pick up... This and the couple issues prior to it. I'm sure if I was following the book, it easily would have gotten 5/5.

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Daredevil (1998) #508

Jul 14, 2010

I stopped reading this book right before Diggle took over. Daredevil bored me. However, this storyline has given me a new reason to love this book and character. I'm incredibly surprised that I'm enjoying this since it seemed gimmicky to me more than anything, but I highly recommend this book, and this issue. Jump on it now before it sells out and you're stuck waiting for it in trade!

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Dark Wolverine #87

Jun 16, 2010

This is usually a great book, but this fill-in issue is not. Skip is and wait for the Frankencastle storyline. Other than my enjoyment of Pierfederici's art, and more so the lighting and shading, there was not much here I did enjoy. I will say once again, I really enjoy this book, but sometimes you get a not-so-great fill-in issue in between story lines.

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DC Universe Legacies #1

May 19, 2010

Look, I'm bias when it comes to Golden Age DC comics. If you put the JSA in a book, I'm going to enjoy it. But, trying to look at it from another point of view, I really think most DC fans would enjoy this book, since we don't have the origin of these heroes in a new comic once every five years like we do with Superman and Batman. It's a highly interesting read, and if you've never read a JSA book, you'll be introduced to some awesome characters.

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Deadpool (2008) #27

Sep 15, 2010

Even though I don't like the character as much as I used to, you can't deny that this book is solid and does what it's supposed to, make you laugh. It's essentially the 90s action film in comic book form. This is a good starting off point for new fans, so if you're interested in the character, pick this book up for sure. Recommended!

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Deadpool Corps #1

Apr 7, 2010

I didn't read one issue of Prelude to Deadpool Corps, and I pretty much understood everything going on in this first issue. If you like Deadpool and have been following him around for the past couple of years, you'll love the book. If you're interested in the series and just

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Doc Savage #1

Apr 14, 2010

If you like Doc Savage, you'll love this book. If you've never heard of him, I say give this book a chance, but skip the Justice Inc in the back. The 20 pages of Doc Savage are great, action-packed, and it is a pretty quick read. The back-up story is just not anything that interesting at the moment. It's hard to grade a first issue of a series. It's the one that's going to draw people into the book, but I feel they may have dropped the ball on getting new people into Doc Savage. I'll make my final verdict on this book by issue #3.

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Fantastic Four (1998) #578

Apr 29, 2010

I couldn't have cared less about what was going on in this book. It's right down the middle for me. I didn't like it, and I didn't hate it. It's just "meh."

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Fantastic Four (1998) Annual #32

Jul 8, 2010

Not all Annual books are bad. Recently, Iron Man's was very good, Superman Batman usually has great annuals, and Batman Annual 25 was better than the regular book. But overall, annuals tend to be not worth the money or effort, and to me, this issue is a perfect example of this. Am I being a little too harsh on this book? Maybe, but it really urks me to see a comic go for $5 that isn't anything special. Why should you be paying $5 for a comic that has no effect on the F4 universe and will never be mentioned in any book again? Maybe you'll see Psycho-Woman in a book again, but do you really want to?

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Firestar #1

Apr 22, 2010

It's a great look at the life of a super-hero dealing with a lot of baggage. It's great to see Marvel giving some of their other characters the spotlight for once. Marvel has a great roster of characters, but they tend to focus a little too much on just a few, when there's a chance to either showcase or reinvent others from the past. Give the book a shot. It's worth your cash.

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Flash (2010) #2

May 12, 2010

Barry Allen is one of my favorite characters, and he's a lot more relevant than a lot of people realize. What are the most popular shows on TV, other than reality shows? Those crime scene investigation shows, and that's the job that Barry has, with a super-hero twist. Whether or not you like those shows, this book ties that job in incredibly well, and maybe I'm a Geoff Johns zombie and I praise his work a little too much (I don't actually think that though), but the writing and storytelling are fun, and I want to have fun reading a comic, don't you?

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Flash (2010) #5

Sep 22, 2010

I can't remember the last time I enjoyed a Flash book, or any comic for that matter, this much. It's not a thought-provoking story that's going to reshape the world, but does it need to be? This story does what many Flash stories, over the past 5 years, have failed to do: Entertain the reader. I highly recommend this series.

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Flash: Secret Files and Origins 2010 #1

Apr 8, 2010

I've never been a fan of these fact books before, but here, it makes sense. Many people need to know the information in this book for the upcoming events involving this Flash. Aside from it being a fact book, it was a great read. I read it twice in one sitting. If you're a Flash fan, this is a must buy. If you're not, pick it up and read up on a highly under rated DC character.

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Fraggle Rock #1

Apr 28, 2010

I grew up on this show, and oh I've missed it so. I'm very much looking forward to the next couple of issues, as well as the FCBD issue this Saturday. If you loved the show growing up, and don't mind picking up a kids book from the local comic book shop (which you shouldn't in the first place. There's nothing wrong with enjoying a good kid's comic now and again), then you'll surely be glad, as an adult, you picked this one up.

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Franken-Castle #18

Jun 23, 2010

I know they're trying to spice this book up, but "Frankly" (haha) it's just not working. This is one of those few times where there isn't too much to say other than, pass on this book. There is little to nothing enjoyable about it, and it's all because the story is ridiculous, and in a bad way.

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Franken-Castle #19

Jul 28, 2010

I feel like I'm laughing at this book, rather than with it, and I'm not mocking it. I think the over-the-top action is the only saving grace to this book, but that's just because I really enjoy 80s action flicks. Best advice I can offer is to pass on this book. Just ignore it and wait for Punisher to become Punisher again.

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Freedom Fighters #1

Sep 1, 2010

It's the first issue of a new series featuring a team that we don't see normally in the comic books. It's tough to judge the pilot of a series essentially. I'd recommend this book though. Palmiotti and Gray are great writers and I'm sure there will be some more explanation of who these characters are and the team within this story arc.

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Gotham City Sirens #14

Jul 28, 2010

This book needs to be revitalized, stat. It's very bland, and there's very little you can pull out of this book to reflect on. It's not a bad book by any means, but it's not good either. I would not recommend this issue simply because it's not worth your time.

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Green Arrow (2010) #1

Jun 23, 2010

I usually don't get to give books I review the "Pick of the week" stamp because something else in my pile of books, that wasn't on my list of things to review, is just better. Even more so, the first issue of a new series usually doesn't get that stamp simply because most first issues are nothing more than set-up, but this issue was easily the best thing I've read in weeks. And although I've personally been overly annoyed with the amount of times I've read those first few pages, which were in the band of what seemed like every DC book the past few months, I forgot all about that when reading through this. This is a must buy for and DC, Green Arrow, or Robin Hood fan. This would have gotten 5/5, but I felt that a new reader couldn't just pick this series up and understand what's going on. For me, it's a 5/5 though, but I'm always trying to keep the average reader in mind.

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Green Arrow (2010) #2

Jul 28, 2010

J.T. Krul has made Green Arrow into one of my favorites at DC, and all he really did was make him Robin Hood, and it works so well. I really don't have too many complaints because from cover-to-cover, this was such a fun book. You don't have to be a Green Arrow or Green Lantern fan to love this book, but if you're one of those people who only wants to read comics featuring over-powered heroes that don't struggle, this isn't the book for you, but I'll recommend this to everyone anyway.

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Green Arrow (2010) #3

Aug 25, 2010

It may have lost steam, but this book is still great. I have a feeling it will pick up next issue, since this was a bit of back story that just needed to be told. If you're reading the book now, you'll want to keep your run going with this book. As for everyone else, it's hit or miss depending on whether you like the character. This is also a very good tie-in to Brightest Day. It explains a good amount about the white light and how it effects the world around the heroes.

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Green Arrow / Black Canary #32

Apr 15, 2010

I would highly suggest picking up the last few issues of Green Arrow, and this issue. Along with Justice League Rise and Fall Special and the Arsenal special, you will not be disappointed. Even if you don't like Green Arrow, this story is strong enough to make you like him.

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Green Lantern (2005) #54

May 26, 2010

If you've been a Red Lantern Corps fan, this issue is for you! I can't say this is a good place to start for anyone wanting to get into Green Lantern. In fact, this is a terrible place to start. I suggest starting back at Green Lantern: Rebirth. However, if you've been following the book, you'll really enjoy this one.

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Green Lantern Corps (2006) #48

May 26, 2010

This is the place to start if you've wanted to start a Green Lantern book. Sure, things may be a little confusing, but this book does a much better

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Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors #2

Sep 15, 2010

This book is a lot more personal to three of the Corps members more than anything else, which is something the Green Lantern books needs a little more of to remain fresh. There's a great scene where a new recruit talks to Kilowog about joining the GLC and Kilowog goes off on him about death and fighting, and it's little things like that, which we get a lot of, that make this book so much more personal to the individual characters, and flat-out great. Green Lantern fans, you need this book. It's highly recommend!

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Hulk (2008) #22

May 12, 2010

When it comes down to it, the last 6 pages are what you really want to read, and not just because it's a GIANT reveal many of you have been waiting for, but because they are just that good. The rest of this issue is pretty, but it is nothing more than filler for me. Don't get me wrong, the fight scenes are cool, but I wanted a little something more.

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Hulk (2008) #25

Sep 22, 2010

It is a solid book. It's very good, but if you're a Jeff Parker fan, things are going to feel a little foreign. It will take time to become adjusted, not only to the Parker and Hardman team-up, but the fact that Loeb isn't writing the book anymore. I have a great feeling that this will become a serious and very good run under Parker and Hardman.

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Incorruptible #6

May 26, 2010

As much as I complain about the art in this book, I really do like it, especially after a second read through, but if you plan on picking up this book, remember that the style is not as complimentary to the writing as the first four issues were. I liked the book, but it wasn't as great as that first run. Buy it if you're enjoying the run, but I wouldn't recommend starting here.

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Incredible Hulk (2009) #609

May 13, 2010

If you can only choose one of the two Hulk books to read, especially in this storyline, this is the one to read. Both books have great creative teams, but the writing and art are a little bit stronger here. In fact, even before this storyline, and I'm sure afterwords, this will be the book you want to stick with.

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Invincible #72

Jun 3, 2010

This is one great book. I'd even say, although I hate to say it, you should buy this just for the art. The fights contained in here are nothing short of amazing. Yes, the writing is exceptionally great here too. Invincible is the super-hero book for those who want something a little different. It's comedic, dramatic, and action packed without any of those elements trampling over each other and this issue is a great example of that.

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Invincible Iron Man #29

Aug 11, 2010

Many would complain, well not me, that this book lacks action. Fraction's storytelling follows more of a three act movie format than anything else. You can say the same about many other writers, but Fraction does it best. This book plays out like an incredibly epic film with no real barriers. With the films, there's a lot of politics. The studios want this, the fans want that, Marvel needs this... I'm sure there's a lot of that going into this book as well, but no where near as much. I know I've said it before about this book, but I'll say it again. I don't care if you're a Marvel, DC, Dark Horse, Image, etc fan, you need to read this volume of Iron Man. This is what a great comic looks like.

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Iron Man Noir #1

Apr 14, 2010

Even though Stark may be replaceable, this was the best of the Noir series so far. If you like anything adventure related, you'll love this book. And from the look of the final page of this issue, we're going to get a whole lot more adventure coming our way.

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Joe The Barbarian #4

Apr 24, 2010

This book has everything going for it: Great creative team, potentially great story, etc, but after issue one and two, I feel as though it's another one of those books I'm just not excited to read anymore. I can't recommend you go out and buy this book, but I'd definitely say borrow it from a friend. Something needs to be done quick because I'm losing interest in this book.

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Joker's Asylum II: The Mad Hatter #1

Jun 16, 2010

For me, even though this is one of Batman's rogues that I truly enjoy, this issue fell flat. I do really like the look into the mind of the Mad Hatter, but it wasn't enough. I'd say pass on this no matter how much you love the Asylum series or the Mad Hatter. It's not a bad comic by any means, but it isn't very good either.

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Jonah Hex (2006) #55

May 6, 2010

This book has become one of my favorites to read. Usually, it gets a 4 out of 5 with no problem, but I really loved this story. It had everything I wanted in a western: gun fights, outlaws, dynamite, and lots of western hat action too. If you've ever been interested in a western style book, or Jonah Hex, do yourself a favor and pick this issue up.

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Jonah Hex (2006) #57

Jul 8, 2010

As I've said before, you can jump in on this book at any time. Each issue is its own story, so don't feel too worried that it's 57 issues into the volume, and you've haven't read any of them yet. You can pretty much just jump right in, and you'll be fine. This is one of DC's hidden gems. I say hidden because it feels like a lot of people overlook this book. In my opinion, next to Green Lantern, this is the only book at DC that has been consistently good for 50 issues, and I wonder how many people actually realize that. I may be getting a little preachy, but with games like Red Dead Redemption in homes across the nation, and people slowly becoming more intrigued by the western genre, why aren't more people reading this book? Or maybe it's because I'm in Chicago, and most people here aren't big western fans. Regardless, I highly recommend this issue.

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Jonah Hex (2006) #58

Aug 4, 2010

Not every issue of a series can be stellar. This was a great issue, but not as good as everything else in the series. We've had a quite a few amazing issues in the past year, so when I get to an issue of the book that's good, but not as good as everything else, it's a bit of a bummer. I can't say I'd recommend this to everyone. Jonah fans are obviously going to want to own this one. Everyone else may want to give it a read through, but only if you're interested in the Wild West motif.

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Jonah Hex: No Way Back #1

Jun 3, 2010

There's going to be a lot of comparison between this book and Brian Azzarello's Joker Original Graphic Novel (OGN) from a year and a half ago. As much as I loved Joker, I loved this one a little more, mainly because I'm a huge Jonah Hex fan though. In the next month or so, there's a Jonah Hex film coming out soon, and whether you think it looks great or terrible, you should keep not only this OGN in mind, but Gray and Palmiotti's on-going Jonah Hex series in mind. They've done a great job with the character, especially with this OGN. So, if you've never read Jonah Hex before, pick this book up. Sure, you may not get the "origin" of Jonah's scars, but do you really need to know them for this? Not really. You just need to know that Jonah is a 100% wild west tough guy who will do anything he has to, to stay alive.

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Justice League of America (2006) #44

Apr 21, 2010

I haven't read JLA since about issue 20, but this story made me want more.

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Justice League: The Rise of Arsenal #2

Apr 29, 2010

I'm really enjoying this as well as the Green Arrow run under Krul. I can't wait to see how this plays out, and how Roy will fit back into the world. DC readers should get on top of this book, especially if you're looking for a new character to get into, even one with addiction problems.

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Justice Society of America #38

Apr 28, 2010

As I said before, readership is down, but this is a storyline is incredibly enjoyable, and if you can, pick up 36 and 37 to get caught up. This is one book, especially this story, that is worth 100% of your time.

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Justice Society of America #39

Jun 3, 2010

This is not the best

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Justice Society of America #42

Aug 18, 2010

Although this book was quite entertaining and had a lot of great elements to it, I can't get over the fact that I'd much rather see this as it's own mini-series. As I stated before, JSA hasn't had time to establish itself again since Johns left the book and what it really needs is a creative team that's willing to stick with the book for a good 12 issues at least. If you're interested in this storyline, wait until it comes out in trade, since it may be hard to pick up the single issues now.

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Justice Society of America Special #1

Sep 15, 2010

It's nice to see things tied-up, but at what cost? Magog still exists, Gog is still dead, and a new creative team is taking over JSA. Unless you're a die-hard JSA fan, you're going to want to pass this one up. If you're a die-hard JSA AND Scott Kolins fan like myself, pick it up since Scott's work is great on this issue. Otherwise, wait for the next run of JSA to come out and Praise be to Gog... but not Magog.

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Legion of Super-Heroes (2010) #4

Aug 25, 2010

Although I love this book, it's hard to recommend because it can be very confusing to new readers. I couldn't even tell you where to start. Final Crisis: Legion of 3 Worlds was helpful for me when I started reading Legion, and so was a few of the recent Adventure Comics comics, but with so much history with this team that's not really mainstream, you kind of just have to dive right in and never look back, but trust me, it'll be worth it.

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Magdalena #1

Apr 22, 2010

This book surprised me more than anything else I've read in a long time. I'm usually not one for the Christian religion-lore book, but this book was completely engrossing, which surprised me for a first issue of a series. It doesn't happen often that a random book I reviewed makes my weekly pull list, even if I really enjoyed it, but Magdalena is now a part of my weekly pull list, and I'm excited to see what happens next. If you like comics, and you are interested in starting a new series, I'd highly recommend this book.

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Namora #1

Jun 23, 2010

Great creative team on this book, and I would love to see the three of them work together on something that wasn't a throw-away one-shot. The book stars a character who could be someone interesting that could warrant her own book, but

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Nemesis #2

Jun 9, 2010

This one is not for the kids. Adults only due to the rapid swearing and violence. However, overall, I'd say pick this one up because it looks like it could become a well rounded series. As of right not, the writing and art will drag you in, but the story itself is it's only weak point.

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Red Hood: The Lost Days #2

Jul 8, 2010

I'm a little critical about this issue, mainly because I'm a huge fan of the creative team and the character. I have a feeling that overall, this will be a great series, but this singular issue feels like it's just setting up the next couple of issues and nothing more. I'd recommend this if you're into Jason Todd, but other than that, you may want to pass this book. It's really for fans only anyway.

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Secret Warriors #18

Aug 4, 2010

An extremely well done comic, one I've never read until today. This issue, and I'm going to assume the rest of the series just from what I've heard from many other readers, is incredibly intriguing and flat-out a lot of fun. There's a lot of classic characters in here that will make any fan of the silver age of Marvel very happy. I'd recommend this book to almost anyone.

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Siege (2010): Loki #1

Apr 14, 2010

If you're really into everything Siege, you're going to want this book. There is some great stuff in here, but only about three pages of it. If you think Siege is anywhere from "just ok" to "i like it" then you may want to pass on this. It's another Marvel tie-in to a big event that is nothing more than mediocrity with a really pretty cover.

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Spider-Man: Fever #1

Apr 8, 2010

Going into this, I didn't think this book was going to be great, but I had no clue it was going to be this awful. A lot of times, if I read a comic I don't like, I can still say, "At least the hardcore fans of that character will like it!" No dice here. This is a book that should be avoided because it simply isn't worth your time nor is it worth your money. Do yourself a favor and pick up the book next to it and buy it because that has to be better than this.0.5/5

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Steve Rogers: Super Soldier #2

Aug 11, 2010

Jump on this book if you're a Cap fan. Whether or not you like Steve as himself and wish he was Captain America again shouldn't matter. Because costume or not, he is Captain America. This is one of the few times I'll recommend a mini-series since most of the time, they aren't that great, but this one is the exact opposite.

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Supergirl (2005) #53

Jun 23, 2010

Like I stated earlier, I randomly pick this book up and give it a read, but I'm never lost, and I always really enjoy it. The art, writing, and story are always strong, and flat-out, it's a fun read that you will get lost in, in a good way. I'd recommend this to anyone looking for just a fun read, and not just for the Super-Girl fans.

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Supergirl (2005) #55

Aug 18, 2010

Sterling Gates really knows how to write an on-going book that is consistantly awesome. I've read about 6-10 random issues of this series and they've all been phenomenal. It's nice to see Jamie Grant on this book, along with the great pencils of Jamal Igle. As of right now, this is my favorite Kryptonian book. It's always solid and a lot of fun. I highly recommend this book. It's my pick of the week. You will not be disappointed.

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Superman / Batman (2003) Annual #4

Jun 3, 2010

Have you missed Terry McGinnis? Then you should be reading this issue! I must say, the Superman/Batman series is one of the very few series that I can actually say has great annual issues every single year. Some are better than others, but in no way are they throw-away issues, like many other series. You're definitely going to want to pick this book up.

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Superman: Secret Origin #6

Aug 25, 2010

Yes, the wait for this book was pretty annoying, but you know what? It was worth it. This is NOT the place to start, since it's the end of the mini-series. You have one of two options: You can wait until December 21st to pick this book up in trade, or hunt down all the individual issues, but either way, this is one of my favorite Superman stories and a must read for fans. If you've never liked Superman, give this one a try. Highly Recommended.

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Sweet Tooth #9

May 7, 2010

Based on story alone, this is one of my favorite current Vertigo books, #2 if not #1; however, the art is really not doing it for me at all, and it's hard to get past that when I'm reading the book. With a story that good, complex, and intriguing, I would hope that the art has that same effect on me.As I stated above, if in fact, as the world of Sweet Tooth is revealed to the reader, the artwork starts breaking down, then that is genius, and forget everything negative I said about this book, but I just don't think that's the case. If you're reading this book, continue on. Lots of people have been dropping this book, and I'm not sure why. It's solid. If you have never heard of this book, check out the first three issues and see if it's something you can get into.

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The Many Loves of the Amazing Spider-Man #1

May 5, 2010

The first two stories were great, and I received an immense amount of enjoyment reading them. I'd say I kind of recommend this book, but make sure to skip out on the third story, unless you're into a story that starts nowhere and goes nowhere.

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The Unwritten #16

Aug 11, 2010

This is by far the best Vertigo is offering at the moment. Pick up this series if you want to refire your love of comic books because that's what this book will do. It doesn't get nominated for the Eisner awards every year for nothing. I recommend this issue, but more importantly, I highly recommend this series.

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The X-files / 30 Days Of Night #1

Jul 14, 2010

It was hard for me to figure out where to put this, mainly because I felt the art was no-so-great; however, the writing and story on this, so far, were amazing. If you ever enjoyed either of these properties, jump on this book. You'll love it. For readers who never really got into either franchise, try it out anyway because this really was enjoyable.

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Thor (2007) #611

Jun 30, 2010

While I am interested to see where this story goes, this issue didn't really excite me. I know some of the Thor fans won't be happy with this, but as a person who is interested in the character and tries his darnedest to get into the books, I feel as though this series has failed to make me a fan yet again. I'm sure Thor fans will enjoy this, but for the rest of us, let's just enjoy the pretty cover.

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Titans: Villains for Hire Special #1

May 13, 2010

I'd rather see these guys have their own monthly book other than having to jump into the Titans to continue reading. Who knows if they'll actually become the Titans, and if they do, they may just be easily replaced months down the road. If you're into the Titans, pick up the book. If you're just into everything Brightest Day has to offer, skip this one. If you like Ray Choi as the Atom, you may want to own this.

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Ultimate Comics Avengers Vol. 2 #1

Apr 28, 2010

Get in on this book now, before it sells out. I recommend this to everyone. It's fun, the art is beautiful and the story is engrossing. It's the Ultimate Universe, so you don't need to know too much history to understand the characters and world. I'd say this was the pick of the week, but I haven't read all my books yet.

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Ultimate Comics Avengers Vol. 2 #2

May 19, 2010

Out of all the Ultimate books currently on the shelf, this is the one you have to pick up. It has two amazing creative minds running the show, and if you're not enjoying this, check your pulse. If you've never read an Ultimates book before, I can't recommend start here, but if you're looking for something that is nothing less than awesome, pick it up.

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Ultimate Comics Avengers Vol. 2 #3

Jun 9, 2010

It's an all-star creative team with an all-star story. It's hard to judge which I like better, this or New Ultimates. It's still not too late to jump onto this book, and considering that this same team will be working on another Ult Avengers volume after this one, you'll really want to pick this volume up for the great story and interesting new characters in the Ultimate Universe.

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Ultimate Comics Mystery #2

Aug 25, 2010

It's tough to recommend this to people who haven't been reading the series because much like a lot of current DC books, with Ultimate Mystery, you have to go back a few years to truly grasp what is going on in this one. At least start back at Ultimatum. I'm trying very hard to not make comparisons to Ultimate Galactus Trilogy, but it feels a lot like that, except this story isn't an Ultimate Disappointment Trilogy. Maybe the best thing to do is try starting at Ultimate Mystery #1, or pick up Ultimate Enemy in trade first.

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Ultimate Comics New Ultimates #2

May 5, 2010

This book was a lot of fun. If you've been following the Ultimate universe, especially the revamp, I highly suggest this book. Cho's artwork is beautiful, and Loeb's writing is like a fun summer-blockbuster. This is one of those books you can plop down on the couch with, cold drink in your hand, and just relax and read. 4.5/5

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Ultimate Comics Spider-Man (2009) #9

Apr 21, 2010

This hasn't been the strongest issue of the series, but it is still a great series none-the-less. If you want to keep your run going, or see how the whole Spider-Woman thing turns out, pick up the book. If you're a casual reader of the series, you may want to pass. In my opinion, this series is the best of what the Ultimate universe is currently offering. This issue may not have been the strongest, but this book is usually phenomenal.

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Ultimate Comics X #3

Jun 16, 2010

Again, this was my favorite issue of the series so far. I'm really excited to see how Derek will fit in to this story down the road, and why these mutants are drawn to each other. It's also pretty nice to see Jeph Loeb's writing be all around enjoyable for once, instead of the C-List summer blockbuster in comic form. The majority of the Ultimate books are great, and I'd even say this is the second best of the lot.

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Web of Spider-Man (2009) #11

Aug 18, 2010

A Spidey book with no Spidey. I don't know why this book exists. Amazing Spider-Man runs three times a month and the majority of the time, it's pretty good. I'm not sure if this book really has a place. Based on this one issue alone, it's a pretty "meh" comic. I wouldn't recommend this book, buying or reading. There's so much better Spider-Man stuff out there, and this book is pretty forgettable.

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Wolverine (2010) #1

Sep 1, 2010

Yes, the thought of Wolverine going to Hell and slicing and dicing everyone there is a little lame if you think about it, but Jason Aaron made this issue a lot of fun and set up a bunch of great side-stories that will keep this run going strong, at least for the first storyline. And again, this is one of the few times you'll find a back-up story almost as strong as the main one. I highly recommend picking this book up. This is the best place to start if you're into Wolverine. Yes, I gave a Wolverine book a perfect score...

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Wolverine Origins #49

Jun 23, 2010

Solid book, and a very fun read. And although this may be a forgettable short arc within the larger picture, I'd still highly recommend picking this issue up because Daniel Way writes Wolverine building a cabin in the woods, a story many people would find boring, better than 99.9% of those one-shot Wolvie stories coming out every month. If you like Wolverine, or just want to jump in on a Wolvie book, now is the time.

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Wolverine: Weapon X #12

Apr 9, 2010

I may not fully understand who some of the characters are or what exactly is fully going on, but this book was a lot of fun, like watching a summer blockbuster with a full bag of popcorn. Yes, Wolverine is everywhere. Yes, we all get sick of him, but although we've seen this type of story before, you can't deny the book because it's flat-out good and a great read. I went into it thinking it would be sub-par at best, but I quickly realized this was one of the more entertaining books I read this week. 4/5

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Wolverine: Weapon X #16

Aug 18, 2010

He may not be slicing and dicing through villains in this issue, and he may not be saying "bub" every three panels, but this is a great Wolverine story. It's sad that this book is coming to an end, but in just a couple of weeks, the writer of this book, Jason Aaron, will be taking over a new Wolverine on-going series, so keep your eye out for that. X-Men fans are going to want to pick this up, especially if the death of Nightcrawler during Second Coming got you a little teary eyed or downright mad. It's great to see the dynamic between the Elf and Logan once again. I highly recommend the end of Wolverine Weapon X.

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World War Hulks: Captain America vs Wolverine #1

Jul 14, 2010

What I'm getting at here is that too much of a good thing has turned out bad. Super-powers are pretty cool, but super-powered characters with extra super-powers are just plain annoying. If you're a huge fan of all this World War Hulk jazz, give it a read through, but seriously, pass the book up and buy Second Coming if you want to see what a good Marvel storyline looks like.

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World War Hulks: Hulked Out Heroes #1

Apr 19, 2010

Another Deadpool book and another average score. He has quickly become the Wolverine of the 2010s, and unless you're

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Reviews for the Week of...




