Invincible #72

Writer: Robert Kirkman Artist: Ryan Ottley Publisher: Image Comics Release Date: June 2, 2010 Cover Price: $2.99 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 10
8.4Critic Rating
9.3User Rating

THE VILTRUMITE WAR CONTINUES! You all knew it was coming, so might as well get it out of the way early: CONQUEST vs. INVISIBLE - the rematch! This time Invincible won't have Atom Eve to help him, and Conquest won't make the mistake of underestimating him. Can a galaxy-spanning all-out war contain this fight? This issue is not to be missed!

  • 9.6
    Mania - Ben Johnson June 08, 2010 Jun 8, 2010

    The recipe for a bad-ass comic is as follows: 1 part Kirkman buildup, 3 parts Ottley awesomeness and a dash of Tech Jacket (can I get a hell yeah?) backup. Letter grade A, thanks for the ride! Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    Comic Book Bin - Herv St-Louis Jun 5, 2010

    Invincible faces Conquest a second time. This time neither combatant will underestimate the other and they will fight until one of them die and the other barely makes it alive. Which one will it be? This issue took me by surprise. Its a great super hero fight to the finish the likes of which we rarely see these days, even with all the violence thats been allowed to creep in super hero comics. It used to be that Invincible was the safe series for those who long a old school super hero with challenges and real emotions, la Spider-man. The last year or so, Invincible has proven that every time we think it will become bland, it will shock us. This issue is like that. I really did not expect a fight to the finish when I picked this title this week. I didnt skip to check out the last pages, so it was a real shocker for me. I dont know how they ll come back from that one. Ottley, like everything in this issue is great. However, I seriously hope that drawing these comic books draw out all th Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - inferiorego Jun 3, 2010

    This is one great book. I'd even say, although I hate to say it, you should buy this just for the art. The fights contained in here are nothing short of amazing. Yes, the writing is exceptionally great here too. Invincible is the super-hero book for those who want something a little different. It's comedic, dramatic, and action packed without any of those elements trampling over each other and this issue is a great example of that. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Jun 3, 2010

    Quick read or not, Invincible isn't pulling its punches with "The Viltrumite War". I eagerly await issue #73 to see how Mark and his allies manage to get themselves out of this latest pickle. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Jul 4, 2010

    The build-up to the Viltrumite War has its seeds in the very first issues of this book, and the cast assembled is a fascinating one (save for Tech-Jacket, whom Ive never had any particular affinity for, and whom I find to be a bit of a Mary Sue) and once again, Kirkman and Ottley arent afraid to show the real toll of battle, right down to blood and icky guts and consequences. Conquests death seemed a bit sudden, bordering on anti-climax, but seeing Mark get his revenge is still a visceral thrill, and this is still one of the strongest titles out there month over month. Read Full Review

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