Deadpool #27

Writer: Daniel Way Artist: Carlo Barberi Publisher: Marvel Comics Release Date: September 15, 2010 Critic Reviews: 4 User Reviews: 2
7.6Critic Rating
7.5User Rating

“I’M YOUR MAN,” PART 1 This may be the Heroic Age and all, but the sad fact is that sometimes the good guys, in order to do good, have to do some things that are very bad. And when they do, well…that’s when they hollah atcha boy. Parental Advisory …$2.99

  • 8.4
    Weekly Comic Book Review - SoldierHawkShare this:FacebookStumbleUponDigg Sep 18, 2010

    If you're a Deadpool fan, you should already be reading this book. If you aren't, this is a great issue to give the character a chance with. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    IGN - Richard George Sep 15, 2010

    I've struggled to remain engaged by this series over its lifespan. Some arcs are pure genius (R.I.P. Bullseye) while others have been too bizarre to fully enjoy. But the start of this one, featuring Deadpool teaming up with the Secret Avengers, hits the proper tone. It's the right mix of action and comedy, and has no attention span whatsoever. Don't expect much characterization or complexity here. (Would you really expect that from Deadpool anyway?) If there's one fault, it's that some sequences by by Carlo Barberi were a bit confusing as Way attempts to track the actions of several different parties. But overall, this is a fun diversion from the typical superhero fare. And it's absolutely the one (and only) book Deadpool fans should be reading. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comic Vine - inferiorego Sep 15, 2010

    Even though I don't like the character as much as I used to, you can't deny that this book is solid and does what it's supposed to, make you laugh. It's essentially the 90s action film in comic book form. This is a good starting off point for new fans, so if you're interested in the character, pick this book up for sure. Recommended! Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    Razorfine - Alan Rapp Sep 19, 2010

    Deadpool, Secret Avenger. Hmmm… Read Full Review

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