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Reviewer For: Weekly Comic Book Review Reviews: 12
7.9Avg. Review Rating

Artifacts #2

Oct 5, 2010

If Top Cow has been on your radar but you've been putting off looking at what they have to offer, this event is an excellent way to dip your toe in. If Top Cow isn't on your radar, this event should put it there. Either way, this is worth the cover price.

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Artifacts #3

Nov 23, 2010

This is another fantastic issue , and well worth buying for any fan of the Top Cow universe. Even if you're not a fan, it's not too late to pick up issues 1 and 2 and catch up"something I would highly encourage any fan of fantasy comics to do.

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Birds Of Prey (2010) #7

Dec 18, 2010

A very solid issue that brings the Birds of Prey into the Batman Inc. fold and sets up what could be a pretty big change for the nature of the way Barbara/Oracle operate. Despite the pacing issues, there's plenty here to keep fans coming back for #8.

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Captain America (2004) #610

Oct 1, 2010

A very good ending to a better than average BuckyCap arc. I do wish they'd move the focus from the Bucky back to the Cap part, however; that's why I buy a book called Captain America and not one called Bucky Barnes Deals With Issues.

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Deadpool (2008) #27

Sep 18, 2010

If you're a Deadpool fan, you should already be reading this book. If you aren't, this is a great issue to give the character a chance with.

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Deadpool (2008) #29

Nov 29, 2010

I mean, it's got Dr. Bong in it! Doctor. Freaking. BONG! What is not to love?

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Kill Shakespeare #5

Sep 13, 2010

This one still hasn't taken my title of personal favorite away from issue #3, but it's still a strong issue and a great lead-in to the halfway mark of the story.

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Kill Shakespeare #7

Nov 23, 2010

McCreery and Del Col deliver another excellent, character-driven issue backed up by the best pencil work Belanger has given us yet. It was nice to see the characters"both hero and villain"take some time to reflect and take stock of where they are and who they do and don't trust. I'm really looking forward to seeing how things play out as the final, inevitable confrontation between the Prodigals and Richard's army moves closer.

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Secret Six Vol. 2 #30

Feb 2, 2011

A fun romp, but one that is hindered both by the delay of its concluding crossover issue, and an overabundance of colorful characters vying for attention. Worth the time if you're a fan of the Six or Simone, but otherwise unremarkable.

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Superman (2006) #703

Oct 14, 2010

This is not a bad issue, and in spite of the characterization flaws noted above, the scene between Superman and Batman is very good and helps elevate the rest of the book. Still"nine issues left to go with this arc feels like quite a lot, and unless JMS can kick it up a notch, I'm going to have a hard time justifying the expenditure to keep up.

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Witchblade (1995) #138

Sep 26, 2010

If you truly dislike fantasy and/or swords and sorcery, I'd probably stay away. But if you like amazing artwork and a simple but fun story well told, buy this issue. I don't care if you don't care about Sara and her magic gauntlet, I don't care if you've never read this book before, and I don't care if you hate the series or the entire Top Cow universe. Buy. This. Issue.

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Wonder Woman (2006) #605

Dec 23, 2010

A solid issue that finally gives us some good background on what the new Diana's motivations and history are. I can't say it's the smoothest of exposition-oriented issues, but it works and was so necessary that it's easy to overlook the inelegance of its execution.

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