In 1938, Tony Stark is a daring adventurer, traveling the world in search of its mythological treasures and trying to forget the responsibilities of an iron magnate. From the Fountain of Youth to the hanging Gardens of Babylon, Tony has conquered them all…but only his closest confidants know it’s all one last-ditch effort to cure the disease that slowly killing him. But someone has been selling out Stark Industry secrets to Count Nefaria and his Nazi sympathizers, and it’s only a matter of time before they catch up with Tony on his latest quest! Parental Advisory …$3.99
Even though Stark may be replaceable, this was the best of the Noir series so far. If you like anything adventure related, you'll love this book. And from the look of the final page of this issue, we're going to get a whole lot more adventure coming our way. Read Full Review
This is a fun book overall. It may seem inconsequential under the sheer volume of Iron Man product hitting the shelves of late, but it is a solid story that is a pleasant divergence from the burdens of continuity. I haven't been completely plugged into the "Noir" line from Marvel, but this story has a hook and promises more fun in the adventures to come, especially given what Stark unearths in his assistants' records. An old rivalry seems poised to get a wonderfully new interpretation. Read Full Review
Not a bad start, but still isn't that interesting than other series. At least this one is not a detective story, thanks for that. But I still have more questions, than answers. I think, there is too much behind the scenes...