SHADOWLAND Tie-in Matt Murdock has long played judge and jury to criminals as Daredevil, but has he now become executioner as well?! SHADOWLAND takes over Daredevil and his friends aren’t about to stand by and lose him on the path he seems destined for. A major player joins the battle as Hell’s Kitchen is about to live up to its name once more! Rated T …$2.99
The comic works as a whole. Character, plot, art, background all come together to create a nearly-perfect story. Shadowland #1 delivered a shock, and Daredevil follows the emotional fallout. I am confident that this crossover will be remembered as one of the all-time classic Daredevil stories. Read Full Review
I stopped reading this book right before Diggle took over. Daredevil bored me. However, this storyline has given me a new reason to love this book and character. I'm incredibly surprised that I'm enjoying this since it seemed gimmicky to me more than anything, but I highly recommend this book, and this issue. Jump on it now before it sells out and you're stuck waiting for it in trade! Read Full Review
I have some gripes, sure, but in the end this issue makes me really want to buy the next one, and I guess that's the job for the first issue of this arc. I felt like the story got pushed ahead but the delivery just left me a little flat in far too many places. For every great moment I can point to another that fell pretty flat with a muffled thud. I like the ensemble direction this title seems to be taking, and am definitely willing to follow it, but I want to get deeper into the characters. I am hoping the next issue will really explore these avenues as the story will be completely kicking along by then and not needing such set up. This issue has some great elements, its just a shame that I felt they could have been created in just a bit more of an awesome way. But maybe I'm just a longtime DD fan who's putting a little too much thought into it? I'd still say go buy the issue and enjoy it. Read Full Review
But there is one problem that threatens to devour Shadowland entirely - none of this feels original. The idea of Daredevil resorting to strong, villain-esque tactics has been played out time and time again, often revisited by every new DD writer. Each of them seems intent on saying their piece about Matt Murdock's strong leanings toward moral ambivalence. Though obviously this is something that could be addressed in the coming weeks and months, it's tough to remain interested in something that is remarkably derivative. The plot should have addressed this in some capacity by now. And shock tactics won't cut it. Read Full Review
Well, it doesn't actually end with that, but that happens near the end. The actual end is a splash page of Elektra. And that doesn't bode well for Matt Murdock either. Read Full Review
Daredevil has turned the Hand into a retributive justice organization and killed his arch enemy Bullseye (although no body was shown). Where will he go next? Will his best friends, Foggy Nelson and Dakota North be the next victims of his madness? Daredevil as a villain is interesting, although he never really is in control of his fate and other people are always playing him. Im not sure what will be achieved with this storyline that has not been explored and done before in a Daredevil comic book. Hes been betrayed before. Hes gone crazy before. Hes beat up a lot of innocents and hurt Foggy and people he loves many many times before. Why do they even care at this point? The story doesnt explain that. Foggy thinks the Kingpin is behind everything and is willing to forgive Matt Murdock another time. Again, that is the weakness of the story. It stays in the past and plays the old plots constantly and shows what a wreck Daredevil really is. How I long for a good Daredevil story arc where he Read Full Review
For now it feels like a normal DD story, not something deserving to become a global (even though street level) event. It's fine, but not much happens really...