JLA/Avengers #3

Writer: Kurt Busiek Artist: George Perez Publisher: DC/Marvel Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 1
10Critic Rating
10User Rating

  • 10
    Comics Bulletin - Jason Cornwell Dec 5, 2003

    For a comic fan who has been following the adventures of both these teams for over two decades, this issue is a wonderful mixture of the continuity of both teams, as well as a tantalizing preview of what might've been if Marvel and DC had made a crossover between their two big teams an annual event, much like the JSA/JLA meetings of old. In any event while there are moments when the plot might be a little old school for newer readers, and a little dependent on readers being up to speed on events that occurred years, and in some cases decades ago, frankly I applaud Kurt Busiek for including a wealth of scenes that reward readers like myself who have been with both books since the first attempt at this crossover was being bandied about. Plus I love the way this story bounces around the time-stream, and while I suspect this was done so that Kurt Busiek could insert Hal Jordan into the story, I love the fact that we were allowed to have a tour of the merged universe. In fact my only compla Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comics Bulletin - Ray Tate Nov 30, 2003

    Kurt Busiek and George Perez with Tom Smith--for this adventure would look bland without the variety of color and shades--make JLA/Avengers a testament to all that was good in comic books. The story fascinates through alien science, philosophical arguments and ethical behavior. The story is more than merely an excuse to get the gang together for one big brouhaha. The story defines what makes a super hero. Read Full Review

  • 10
    Comics Bulletin - Shawn Hill Nov 29, 2003

    Basically, it's the best ever JLA/JSA crossover, only with the Marvel heroes along to darken and deepen the ride. Clark may not have much use for 'em, but we fans have been dreaming of this meeting for many, many years. Read Full Review

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