Aliens/Vampirella #6

Writer: Corinna Bechko Artist: Javier Garcia-Miranda Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment Release Date: February 10, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 6 User Reviews: 1
7.9Critic Rating
7.0User Rating

Aliens / Vampirella reaches its action-packed conclusion! Can Vampirella convince the resurrected Nosferatu to unite with humanity against a common foe? Can even Vampirella survive an encounter with a Xenomorph Queen/Vampire hybrid? The fate of every person left on Mars, both living and undead, hangs in the balance!

  • 9.6
    SciFiPulse - Patrick Hayes Feb 16, 2016

    An excellent conclusion for this excellent series. Great scares, great characters, and great visuals. You couldhear me in space screaming about how much fun this is. Read Full Review

  • 8.4
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Feb 10, 2016

    Aliens/Vampirella worked pretty well overall and it's about what I expected going into it. There are things you for better or worse have to do with an Aliens story and Bechko hits them on the head here. What she gets to do is change up the narrative a bit with Vampirella in the mix, the vampires from the past angle, and working some drama in because of the human/vampire dynamic. The story is straightforward and you find yourself not really connecting with anyone outside of Vampirella, though I think the Martian vampire comes a close a second. Her script was really brought to life in a great way with Javier Garcia-Miranda's artwork as he got to have fun with the alien designs, work some great old school vampire material, and got to play with spaceships and more. The pairing worked well and I'd definitely be up for another round of this concept. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Spartantown - Enrique Rea Feb 9, 2016

    'Aliens/Vampirella' is a limited series for fans of 'Aliens' that mostly delivers. The positives outnumber the negatives making this well worth the read. Vampirella shines playing the gutsy specialist trying to keep everyone alive but can't overpower the alien monsters. She has to use what she can to survive, her wits and a broken wing. In the end, things go predictably haywire, lives are lost spectacularly, and it's a total blast. Read Full Review

  • 7.6
    BGCP - Daniel Pearson Feb 11, 2016

    Overall this simple tale of Vampire vs Alien, Alien vs Human and Vampire, Vampire vs Human, Human vs Human and Vampire, Human and Vampire and Vampire vs Alien has been an enjoyable experience that has just played out pretty much like any other vs Alien book that came before it. If you are new to this long running franchise, Aliens / Vampirella #6 and the series as a whole is worth a look. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Outright Geekery - Eli Funaro Feb 12, 2016

    Overall I enjoyed Aliens-Vampirella. It was nothing groundbreaking but as a B-movie showdown between 2 sci fi horror icons, it was a fun space yarn. The story was weighed down a bit by too much dialogue, and at times I wish there was a bit more action. But when the action did happen, it was a lot of fun. It might be confusing to those who aren't familiar with Vampirella or the Alien movies, so it might pay to know the background of the characters to better understand certain details. But if you're a fan of either Aliens or Vampirella, it's a good time. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Bounding Into Comics - John F. Trent Feb 9, 2016

    Aliens / Vampirella #6 concludes the mini-series in excellent fashion. There is plenty of horror, suspense, and action. Not to mention, for the most part, some great dialogue. The artwork was the biggest setback, although it does a great job of conveying the action; the reader is able to follow the story without the dialogue. It just lacked polish and detail in many panels. If you are looking to fill your horror itch, go pick up this book. You won't be disappointed. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Gizmo May 25, 2016

    The final climax got too condensed, many panels jumping too far in time for what the action demanded, I wish this issue was oversized of even broken into two issues to allow certain moments, especially within the climax, to breath and to provide some much needed falling action at the end. For what the book managed to achieve in the pages allotted, I was impressed. I was ready to brush this series off when #1 came out, but this actually turned out to be one of the best Aliens crossovers that I've read in some time and it's given me an appreciation for Vampirella's character that I did not have before. Get this creative team on a Vampirella vs. Predator book (titled properly, with a 'vs', not a '/') and I'll be back for more! And if you are a more

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