The final issue in the first-ever Bob's Burgers miniseries, featuring five original stories of the Belcher family! In a post-apocalyptic wasteland, Tina finds a familiar face; Bob cultivates a list of literary classics; Louise tries to shed light on a Boyz 4 Now mystery while denying having any interest in them whatsoever; Linda imagines an alternate universe; and Gene presents a musical set at Robot College.
The writers keep the humor perfectly in line with the show, and each character's piece is true to their respective voice. Overall, Bob's is a light but hilarious comic. For those who watch the show, I continue to recommend this comic. For those who don't watch it, I recommend starting the show, then picking up this comic for the hell of it. Read Full Review
Bob's Burgers #5 misses the point and fun of the television show. Read Full Review