Dawn / Vampirella #3

Writer: Joseph Michael Linsner Artist: Joseph Michael Linsner Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment Release Date: February 18, 2015 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 3 User Reviews: 2
5.5Critic Rating
8.2User Rating

Dawn and Vampirella start to understand that all the world is a stage as they tell stories while plotting their escape from the demon Masodik. Dawn tells the tale of a young girl who trades her innocence for a greater understanding of the cosmos, and Vampirella tells the story of a girl from a planet where the rivers run red with blood.

  • 6.5
    Buccaneer Book Reviews - Cap'n Aldous B. Adder Feb 23, 2015

    It's a good, solid read that actually takes two characters that to me have been little more than sex symbols for the most part and puts them in a story that actually tries to be something more and to play on character rather than titillation. In this it is only partially successful but overall it's worth a try if you like a little horro-fantasy and a change from a lot of the over-gory and torture-porn-ish stuff that is often mistaken for horror these days. Read Full Review

  • 6.0
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Feb 18, 2015

    At the halfway mark of the series, we get a little bit of a threat right at the end of the book that has Masodik now finding a new avenue through which to torment Vampirella, but it feels like little of note when you get down to it. With two full issues of stories being told with some connective tissue to hold it all together, the Dawn/Vampirella event has further underwhelmed here. And it's not helped by the lengthy delays between installments since that has it coming up alongside other anthology style works on top of Vampirella's main series, which has its own exploration of stories. There are decent ideas and material in here, the second story working the best for me, but there doesn't feel like there's any true forward momentum going on here. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Comic Crusaders - Lead Sharp Jun 23, 2015

    It's an overtly sexual looking comic that's trying so hard not to be sexual, it comes across like Kelly Brook in a wimple. Read Full Review

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