Dejah Thoris #7

Writer: Dan Abnett Artist: Sebastian Piriz Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment Release Date: July 29, 2020 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 1
8.4Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

"A Princess Of Earth, Part 1"
New arc, new artist, new jumping-on point for new readers! Dejah awakes in a mysterious cave, on a confusing planet, full of strange aliens known as "humans..."

By DAN ABNETT (Guardians Of The Galaxy, Justice League Odyssey) and SEBASTIAN PIRIZ (Disaster INC)!

  • 8.4
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Aug 5, 2020

    While I'll easily admit I want to keep going with the events on Barsoom as we've seen in the first six issues, a side story to expand on it with a trip to Earth is welcome. Bringing Dejah and Lallah into 1945 and now on a road trip to New York was the last thing I expected at this point. Abnett delivers a lot of good encounters here to play out that are well-scripted and engaged, especially with how Bowland opted to handle the language barrier problem. Sebastian Piriz will do solidly on the book for its earthbound adventure as I like the look of the main characters and combined with the different feeling that comes from being on Earth it has a good color design as well. Read Full Review

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