Doc Savage: The Spider's Web #3

Writer: Chris Roberson Artist: Cezar Razek Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment Release Date: February 10, 2016 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 2
8.5Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

While she seems like a sweet old lady to the staff at the nursing home where she resides, only Doc Savage knows that a seemingly harmless elderly woman was once a member of a doomsday cult that threatened to kick off World War III back in the 1970s, and might well hold the key to a mystery that threatens the safety of the world in the modern day.

  • 9.0
    Outright Geekery - Rahmaan Adedoyin Feb 15, 2016

    The creative team did an excellent job of breathing new life into a character that predates almost every hero known to man today. Roberson does great work filling in the readers on why Savage is such a classic while simultaneously keeping things modernized and interesting. Razek's art is stunning and flows very well with the story. I wish that the interior artist also did the cover art which visually is the only drawback. My only concern is that with so many other similar hero's like Doc Savage and his crew around today this title will be easily overlooked and that is too bad for one of comics original heroes. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Feb 10, 2016

    This Doc Savage series is one that I'm enjoying on one level but also feel like it hasn't gelled together well to be a compelling story in the big picture sense. I like the individual stories as they're creative ways to tell the tales of "classic" Doc while still keeping a foot firmly in the present. Roberson has the voices for the characters down well and the narration works right to add the extra exposition without being too heavy. Razek's artwork is spot on in bringing it to life, though it's more traditional in terms of actual panel layouts and flow, which feels a little old school and manages to work quite well with what it presents. It's a solidly put together book but it just lacks that extra oomph to really take it up a notch or two in engagement level. Read Full Review

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