It's the She-Devil-With-A-Sword vs. the She-Creature-With-A-Saucer! Yes, friends, this issue sees a great and terrible battle between Red Sonja-- and Green Sonja! One will triumph, and one will die. Can you guess the victor? We'll give you a hint: It's NOT Red Sonja!
Mars Attacks Red Sonja is definitely proving to be a fun book. Much more so than I expected even as a mild fan of the Mars Attacks property. I can still see how the final issue is going to go in general but I like the chances it's taking in moving toward that and changing expectations. The battle between the two Sonja's is a hell of a lot of fun to watch play out with their skillset and just the dialogue and narration for it all. This is definitely fun to read and it looks great having a big Green versus Red sequence to it with all that it implies. Read Full Review
As for the art by Frank Strukan, I feel that there were maybe 3 astounding panels, and the rest most definitely would have been better had it been in just black and white. Read Full Review