Project Superpowers #1

Writer: Alex Ross, Jim Krueger Artist: Carlos Paul Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment Release Date: February 27, 2008 Critic Reviews: 5 User Reviews: 1
7.6Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

  • 10
    Comics Bulletin - Ray Tate Mar 3, 2008

    The Terror promises the Yank that yes, his time is up. He will not only die, but the Terror will see to it personally. He continues to threaten the Yank even when his target shifts slightly, and I just found the whole thing hilarious. Theres something really funny about seeing the Black Terror pop out of the ground with a threat on his lips and continuing to threaten this old, old man - who knows hes going to die anyway. Maybe its the cube rule of comedy. Tell a joke thrice, and it becomes funnier. Go four or five times, and it stops being funny. Go beyond that, and the joke becomes funny all over again. Such wonderful absurdity was an unexpected treat in Project Superpowers. Read Full Review

  • 8.5
    Comic Book Revolution - Rokk Krinn Mar 19, 2008

    Project Super Powers #1 was another strong read. This title is everything that The Twelve is not. The Twelve is plodding, predictable and preachy and appears to be heading nowhere at all. That all combines to make for a truly dull read. On the other hand, Krueger is delivering a tightly written story that moves with a steady pace and offers up a good mix of action and drama. Krueger also has a clear purpose and direction with this story and that helps to make it a more entertaining read. Read Full Review

  • 7.4
    IGN - Jesse Schedeen Feb 27, 2008

    It's too soon to make much of a judgment call with this book. Just make sure to pick up isse #0 (if you can still find it), and you'll (probably) be guaranteed a pretty satisfying, full reading experience. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Weekly Comic Book Review - J. Montes Mar 2, 2008

    Krueger is careful not to introduce too many characters at once this issue. Because of this, we really get a grasp on what drives Dynamic Man and Green Lama. We're also given a small dossier at the end of the issue giving us a little character history. Carlos Paul, working off of Alex Ross' breakdowns produces some excellent. While this issue's story is no where near as “epic” as last issue, it's entertaining, nonetheless. I'm not *dying* to read the next issue, but I am satisfied with what I got out of this one. Read Full Review

  • 5.0
    Eye On Comics - Don MacPherson Feb 8, 2008

    If ever there was an audience for this kind of deconstructionist super-hero story, it's me. I love Golden Age characters, and I'm a fan of this sub-genre. I was drawn in by the narration and the colorful characters, but I was put off by the hiccups in the storytelling. The script lurches forward, seemingly omitting key information and any effort toward solid segues. The all-too convenient plot device integral to the plot - Pandora's Box - is awkwardly handled as well. It's not clear why one would have to combat the release of evils into the world by bottling up forces for good. I like that there's a suggestion that the Fighting Yank may just be off his rocker, but the supernatural elements and the nature of the super-hero genre pretty much preclude that possibility. In fact, given the characters' likely experience with the supernatural, their resistance to the Yank's claims makes little sense. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Valiant Son Feb 2, 2019

    A good issue that moves the story on nicely, while delivering new characters (bar their fleeting appearances in #0). The art is really strong, but the writing lets the issue down a little: there are some sudden jumps between pages in a couple of instances that look like there is a missing panel or two. I'm left wondering if panels got excised at a late stage in the editing to get it to fit the page count. If so, that is pretty amateurish. It's a shame, because there isn't a lot else to criticise. In other respects the writing is strong, with dialogue that nicely straddles the golden age origin and the modern day - neither is overplayed.

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