The Mocking Dead #1
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The Mocking Dead #1

Writer: Fred Van Lente Artist: Max Dunbar Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment Release Date: September 4, 2013 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 5
6.2Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

From the New York Times bestselling writer of the Marvel Zombies series comes a gut-splitting (then eating) comedy! A small outbreak can turn into a worldwide apocalypse... but only through a long string of screw-ups. Once actual zombies begin popping up in our world, a lone intelligence analyst realizes real-life events are beginning to mimic the events of a long-lost, Grade-Z, drive-in horror flick. As he races to save humanity with this knowledge, he quickly learns the only thing more dangerous than ravenous walking corpses is the ineptitude of the living!

  • 9.0
    Comic Book Therapy - Cody "The Thorverine" Ferrell Sep 4, 2013

    You may say we need another zombie comic like we need a hole in our head, but The Mocking Dead proves you really do need another zombie comic without making you do the whole hole in your head thing. Fred Van Lente crafts an incredibly fun and sarcastic series that stands out in the world of walkers. This is one you absolutely need to check out. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Blue Raven Comics - The Frog Queen Sep 12, 2013

    As for The Mocking Dead, I'll be reading issue #2. It's funny, it's nerdy, and it grab me by..not by the balls silly, girls don't have those. 8/10 Read Full Review

  • 5.9
    Multiversity Comics - James Johnston Sep 6, 2013

    Overall, “The Mocking Dead” is a very meta, pretty funny, and awfully clever comic. Don't let the title mislead you, it's really not a parody ofThe Walking Dead or anything really. If you're sick of zombies, and justifiably so, this may not be the book for you. In fact, the focus on zombies as the only problem the agency faces really is the book's weakpoint. A miniseries about nerd agency fighting zombies is alright, but an ongoing about a nerd agency fighting a bunch of fictional threats come to life through contrived circumstances? That honestly sounds like a really appealing book. Until then, “The Mocking Dead” is still fairly enjoyable. If anything, the main incentive to buying it is to get another series building on the Tinseltown Agency concept, but as a book itself “The Mocking Dead” is pretty good. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    Front Towards Gamer - FTG Contributor Oct 1, 2013

    As I said at the start The Walking Dead is easily one of the biggest and most popular names in comics right now so creating a whole comic based around spoofing it (along with the massively overdone zombie genre as a whole) was an ambitious move on Dynamite's part but ambition can't makeup for lack of quality and sadly The Mocking Dead seriously lacks that. It's too noncommittal to be a parody, too unoriginal to really break the genre's mold, and what few interesting ideas it has end up relegated to the background all of which is exacerbated by poor artwork and a general lack of flow and focus and of course there are no recap boxes for new readers. Give this one a miss, readers. Read Full Review

  • 4.0
    AIPT - Sam Roche Sep 4, 2013

    Just like the title suggests, this book is a complete joke. And not in a good way. The plot is non-existent, the jokes aren't that funny and none of it makes sense. The government has pretty much enlisted a geek who owns a comic-based porn-site to stop the zombie apocalypse. As if the government with people who devote their lives to plan for any kind of attack on Read Full Review

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