"THE $1,475,964 MAN": KRAKKA-CHAKKA-BRAKA-PACHOOOM!!! Steve Austin gets hit by lightning. That'd kill anybody else. But for a broken-down and battery-depleted-former-astronaut-turned-cyborg-secret-agent-in-Japan-desperate-to-save-the-world kinda guy like Steve? Just what the doctor ordered! By CHRISTOPHER HASTINGS (The Unbelievable Gwenpool! Secret Agent Deadpool! Adventure Time! I Am Groot!) and DAVID HAHN (Batman '66! Bombshells: United!)!
Each issue has been a delight, but it has been a delight in almost exactly the same way each time. Which has to be among the best problem a serialized story can have. Read Full Review
It was an okay issue. But I am hoping for more next month. Read Full Review
The Six Million Dollar Man continues to be action-packed, unabashedly silly, and occasionally very sweet. You've gotta catch up on this series. Read Full Review
"The Six Million Dollar Man" #3 makes it clear the Bionic Man is back and better than ever. Also stronger. And faster. Read Full Review