Vampirella / Dracula: Rage #3

Writer: Christopher Priest Artist: Christian Rosado Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment Release Date: November 8, 2023 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 1
7.5Critic Rating
5.5User Rating

When a big-box retailer announces that it's abandoning a small-town location after driving all of the local stores out of business, residents stage a demonstration against the callous destruction of their region's economy. But their lock-in protest takes a dark turn when the townsfolk realize they've trapped themselves inside the warehouse-sized store with an angry vampire who has come to avenge the murder of her child. Can Dracula and Victory stop Vampirella from becoming like the monsters she is hunting?

  • 7.5
    Comical Opinions - Gabriel Hernandez Nov 9, 2023

    VAMPIRELLA/DRACULA: RAGE #3 delivers a gritty, desperate revenge tale wherein Vampirella hunts down everyone responsible for her babys death. Christopher Priests plot is uncharacteristically clear, and Rosados grim art brims with drama and suspense. Read Full Review

  • 5.5
    Jonn McLoed Dec 18, 2023

    Biggest let down for me this issue was the art that looked rushed , sloppy and didn’t really do the script much justice. It must be difficult for a writer and especially one like Priest that puts a lot of his own ego into his books to have an artist that for want of a better word is sloppy with the story telling. Hopefully it’s just a minor blip as the story in itself is good and I like Priest as a writer. Maybe if Dynamite could keep the cover count down to a couple off really cool covers and spent more money on a better quality artist they would be on to a good thing.

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