Vampirella: Feary Tales #5
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Vampirella: Feary Tales #5

Writer: Nancy A. Collins, Steve Niles Artist: Jack Jadson, Eman Casallos Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment Release Date: February 18, 2015 Cover Price: $3.99 Critic Reviews: 2
8.2Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

The celebration of the 45th anniversary of the creation of everyone's favorite vampire vixen reaches its senses-shattering conclusion in the fifth and final issue of Feary Tales. Vampirella is shocked when she meets the pun-happy Storyteller face-to-face, only to end up hip-deep in alligators in Steve Niles' (Thirty Days of Night, Army of Darkness, October Faction)  swamp-monster retelling of "The Frog Prince". Then, in Nancy A. Collins' (Vampirella, Sunglasses After Dark, Swamp Thing) twisted take on "Sleeping Beauty", a major character from the original Warren run is reintroduced when Vampirella finally discovers the true identity more

  • 8.4
    The Fandom Post - Chris Beveridge Feb 18, 2015

    Having not read the old Warren books, Draculina is new to me and I suspect her appearance here will have her a little bit different and maybe a touch modernized, so it's easy to work with. Working the story of how their mother essentially wiped her for existence is familiar, but it's done well and it's just one more thing for Vampirella to have to deal with. I definitely enjoyed the two tales here that are included beyond all of this revelation material, but I was also glad to see a firm connection to the main book that Collins is writing here at the end to reinforce that this will likely have an impact there at some point. This series was a lot of fun in general just seeing the various creative teams at work and the various fairy tales used in new ways while also connecting to elements of the larger world of Vampirella over the decades. A thoroughly enjoyable miniseries. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Graphic Policy - Michael K Feb 21, 2015

    The comic never loses site of itself, knowing full well it is simply campy, pulpy fun at it's best. Read Full Review

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