Farewell, Brindavoine OGN
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Farewell, Brindavoine OGN

Publisher: Fantagraphics Books Release Date: August 11, 2021 Cover Price: $19.99 Critic Reviews: 1
2.5Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

The French cartooning master Jacque Tardi's first solo graphic novel is a riotous action-adventure comedy set in Paris, 1914. A strange old man visits Lucien Brinvadoine's flat and implores him to go to Istanbul to seek his destiny. No sooner are these words spoken than a shot is fired through the window and the man is murdered by a mysterious assailant. Thus kicks off a madcap adventure wherein the mild-mannered Brindavoine races to the Middle East with assassins threatening him at every turn. Farewell, Brindavoine showcases the French cartooning master's signature blend of dark humor, brutal violence, and beguiling mystery.

  • 2.5
    AIPT - Julian Coupal Aug 6, 2021

    Tardi's consummate art " wildly detailed panels filled with prolific and inventive architecture/design and experimental plot expression " is unable to take facility and be properly appreciated when the disturbing racist imagery and language used (indicative of this book and the other similar genre classics of the era) act as cement shoes to the narrative focus. Read Full Review

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