My Favorite Thing Is Monsters #1
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My Favorite Thing Is Monsters #1

Writer: Emil Ferris Artist: Emil Ferris Publisher: Fantagraphics Books Release Date: February 15, 2017 Cover Price: $39.99 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 3
9.8Critic Rating
9.7User Rating

My Favorite Thing Is Monsters is a murder mystery, a family drama, a sweeping historical epic, and a psychological thriller about monsters, real and imagined. Set against the political backdrop of late '60s Chicago, Karen Reyes tries to solve the murder of her enigmatic upstairs neighbor. Rendered in a kaleidoscopically visual style, Emil Ferris' draftsmanship echoes the drawing of Otto Dix, George Grosz, and Robert Crumb. This is a revelatory work of striking originality and will undoubtedly be greeted as the debut graphic novel of the year.

  • 10
    Graphic Policy - pharoahmiles Jun 24, 2017

    Overall, probably one of the most essential books every reader who loves a great story must have in their collection. The story by Ferris, feels like the Secret Life of Walter Mitty, but with monsters, and keeps the reader moving forward. The art by Ferris, will leave the reader floored by how beautiful and luminous it is. Altogether, a great book, for anyone who love a great story, an if you love monster movies and MAD Magazine, it would help but not necessary, as a good story like this, will always shine through. Read Full Review

  • 9.5
    AIPT - Todd Young Feb 15, 2017

    The book may be a little too long and at some points the novelty of the journal-entry prose slowed down the book and brought me out of the story. However, that's the only real complaint I have. There's a fantastic amount of thought and work that went into the story and the art is simply amazing. The plot is sad and shows some of the worst examples of humanity, but there's very little self-pity from the book's terrific narrator. Her characterization is handled expertly and her innocent viewpoint takes some of the edge off of situations that could have mired the book down and turned it into a depressing slog. You're not going to find anything else like this in the store for a long time. If you're the least bit interested, you should definitely check it out. Read Full Review

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