Mighty Jack and the Goblin King #2
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Mighty Jack and the Goblin King #2

Writer: Ben Hatke Artist: Ben Hatke, Alex Campbell, Hilary Sycamore Publisher: First Second Release Date: August 30, 2017 Cover Price: $14.99 Critic Reviews: 2
9.0Critic Rating
N/AUser Rating

The garden behind Jack's house has gone wild with creatures set loose by the magic beans Jack and his kid sister Maddy planted. One particularly mean creature has kidnapped Maddy and carried her off. Now Jack and his neighbor Lilly must follow her to a world between worlds beyond the vines and stalks, where giants grind the bones of human children to feed their beast in the castle up above, and a fearsome goblin king rules down below. It'll take more than Lilly's bag of concoctions and tricks, and more than one hero, to rescue Maddy, reunite Jack's family, and bring them all safely home again. Available in Softcover and Hardcover editions.

  • 10
    Comic Bastards - Dustin Cabeal Jul 27, 2017

    Mighty Jack and the Goblin King is very likely to end up on my best of list this year as well. Time will tell, and I rarely like to give that much away so early, but this is an entertaining story that continues the success and groundwork of the first volume by adding to it. We'll see what Hatke adds to it next and if that's successful or not. Given his track record, I won't be betting against him. Read Full Review

  • 8.0
    Comicosity - Aaron Long Sep 6, 2017

    To put it simply, Mighty Jack And The Goblin King is an entertaining read crafted by a team of creators who know their audience and how to weave a visual story for them. This is a slam dunk for young folks in your world who love a good fantasy story and probably a solid bet for you to enjoy as well. Read Full Review

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