Doctor Who - The Forgotten #1
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Doctor Who - The Forgotten #1

Publisher: IDW Publishing Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 1
10Critic Rating
7.5User Rating

  • 10
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Sep 10, 2008

    This is a really good Doctor Who story. It's a really well-drawn comic book. It's a good story in general. I'd have to say, in fact, that Pia Guerra was born to draw Doctor Who, nailing both the hard-to-draw David Tennant (Doctor #10) cheekbones and the somewhat-hard-to-find-photo-reference-for First Doctor as well. I came in a fan, so my assessment will certainly be a bit biased, but this book is the total package, with tension, character interplay, a historical flashback, a compelling mystery in the plot, and even that most difficult of all portions: drawings that look like the real people from whom they're drawn. Doctor Who: The Forgotten #1 earns a well-deserved 5 out of 5 stars, giving us possibly the best-written Doctor Who comic book story to date. I highly recommend it (along with the DVD collections of the first three seasons of the new show) but I have to say I'm especially looking forward to the issue that gives me the Fifth Doctor (my favorite) in action... Read Full Review

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