Doctor Who - The Forgotten #2

Publisher: IDW Publishing Critic Reviews: 1 User Reviews: 1
8.0Critic Rating
10User Rating

  • 8.0
    Major Spoilers - Matthew Peterson Nov 8, 2008

    This is a fun little issue, just as #1 was, and has lots of nice little touches (reversing the polarity, the fact that the Second Doctor's flashback, like his episodes, is presented in black and white, Ace's Nitro-9) for the long-term fan, but still hangs together for the new kids. I expect that having the various lives of the Doctors playing out like this may actually add to the fun for those who are only familiar with the latest series. I'm not as thrilled with the art this time around, though Pia Guerra nails the Second, Third, and Tenth Doctors, her Martha Jones doesn't gel, and old-school companions Jamie and Jo don't look at all like themselves, at least to me. Still, the overall effect is impressive, the dialogue excellent, the plotting interesting, and the mysterious Curator's (who I think is designed to make us think that he is the Master, but I suspect is not) identity is still a compelling chunk of MacGuffin. We're looking at a fun book here, even if you don't alread Read Full Review

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