Dragonlance The Legend of Huma #1
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Dragonlance The Legend of Huma #1

10Critic Rating
8.0User Rating

The world of Krynn is under siege by the dark goddess Takhisis. Led by the renegade wizard Galan Dracos, Takhisis' forces of evil threaten to conquer all. The only resistance to the Dark Queen are the Knights of Solamnia and their few allies. One Knight rises from their ranks-a Knight destined to become the greatest hero of Krynn. This is his story... the Legend of Huma. Adapts the the novel by best selling author Richard A. Knaak.
•   More vintage Dragonlance re-collected for today's audience!

  • 10
    Outright Geekery - Fabienne Payet Jan 5, 2017

    The art in itself is stunning and absolutely fitting to the story. And you can see what a massive legion of artists have given their talents to the art of this story and it shows. One of the few comics to me that is a win over the entire line. Also the large panel pages are beautifully rendered in the comic and really help set the tone of the journey. Read Full Review

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