Haunted Horror #1
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Haunted Horror #1

Publisher: IDW Publishing Release Date: October 10, 2012 Critic Reviews: 2 User Reviews: 1
7.5Critic Rating
10User Rating

A comic so good it's…SCARY! Imagine you were a kid in the 1950s reading contraband horror comics under the bed covers by flashlight! You were devouring the very comic books you parents, your teachers and anti-comics crusader Dr. Fredric Wertham were trying to keep out of your hands! Now you can recreate that same experience, because the comics that were banned are back in actual comic-book format! The people that brought you Dick Briefer's Frankenstein, Bob Powell's Terror and Zombies are now producing a comic book series filled with the best of worst vintage horror comics that will rot your mind! Don't dare miss the first issue of Scary more

  • 8.0
    Comic Bastards - Carl Boehm Oct 10, 2012

    Would I be interested in picking up a second issue? Hmmm. Maybe not. Die hard horror comic fans will want it, for sure. Art students, absolutely. This is one issue that everyone must own, but I don’t know if this is a series to subscribe to at your local funny book shoppe. Read Full Review

  • 7.0
    Read Comic Books - Brad Wiegele Oct 9, 2012

    If youve never sampled Golden Age horror before, Haunted Horror makes a great introduction. The stories round out nearly everything you could want from a collection of creepy tales of murder and betrayal. Its fun to see certain themes repeat across the different stories. Corrupt business partners and stealing the other guys girl are still repeated to this day, though in a much more subtle fashion. The stories may seem a bit dated, but thats part of the fun. Its seeing how things used to be and imaging what it was like in those times. To a kid growing up in the early 50s, these stories would probably keep you up at night. Im a big fan of comics past, and embracing it for everything it is, campiness and all. There was a time when horror books dominated the market. Haunted Horrors is a perfect introduction to a large part of comics history. Give it a shot and you might find yourself starting a whole new section in your collection. Read Full Review

  • 10
    GreyMouser May 22, 2014

    Just about the best book you can buy for pre-code, golden-age horror! only $4 for 44+ pages of reprints expertly researched and lovingly printed. Highly recommended!!

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