Sent back in time to feudal Japan, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles immediately face a fight for their lives against Yukichi and Jotaro! Mistaking the Turtles for the violent kappa terrorizing a nearby village, the long-eared samurai descend upon the Turtles with swords brandished. Can the TMNT convince Usagi's allies to aid in their mission to stop Dr. WhereWhen from changing the future? Or will the larger threat prevail while Lord Noriyuki's forces march into the final battle with the Dark Lord Hikiji?
The second issue of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles/Usagi Yojimbo: WhereWhen picks up immediately from where the first issue ended in the classic hero misunderstanding with the friends mistakenly taking the newly arrived Turtles for the Kappa who have been terrorizing the area. Read Full Review
It's unpretentious but no less masterful storytelling that even those unfamiliar with these characters should be able to appreciate. Read Full Review