Once upon a time, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles encountered Mr. Ogg, a card-carrying trickster type from an alternate dimension. Now he's back and it's no more Mr. Nice Guy as Ogg charges the Turtles with a crime that they're most definitely guilty of, and Raphael is the guiltiest of all! It's an extradimensional accusation of the meta kind-with some bonus extraterrestrials to boot in the form of Wingnut and Screwloose-all in this issue of Saturday Morning Adventures!
A glorious return to the ultimate time of cartoon, the turtles go up against an old enemy but this time he has more power, this is going to be a tough challenge but one they are more than up to that challenge. A fun nostalgia read that will appeal to readers of all ages especially those that remember cartoon Saturdays. Read Full Review
While tackling an all-too-familiar malaise, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Saturday Morning Adventures #8 reminds us to look inward to find solutions to our problems rather than look for others to blame. Read Full Review