AND ONE SHALL RISE! Yep, a there's a new Prime on the block (and the old one isn't gone yet), and just in the nick of time too, as Cybertron shudders and reels under the dual assault of BLUDGEON and his WarWorld and a spitting mad GALVATRON. But is the advent of RODIMUS PRIME a boon for Cybertron or one more dark domino falling in the headlong rush to universal armageddon?
The issue ends with several questions still unanswered about the future of Cyberton, but with Rodimus Prime the Autobots have a new leader and with Bludgeon's defeat the comic should be able to turn its attention back on Galvatron and the Decepticons and the lingering issues on Earth. Worth a look. Read Full Review
Over all, its not a bad entry. A little shallow but that's never a bad thing when looking for light reading. Read Full Review