Guest Starring by The Darkness! Since the beginning of time the Angelus has been diametrically opposed to The Darkness. But will Danielle Baptiste, the newest bearer of The Angelus, be able to choose her own path when confronted by sometimes ally Jackie Estacado, bearer of The Darkness?
This issue is completely packed with action and story. It felt like more than twenty two pages of story to me. Sejic’s illustrations are absolutely gorgeous and tells Marz’s story nearly perfectly. The battle between the Angelus and Darkness is one of the most beautiful and colorful fight scenes I’ve ever seen in a comic. Read Full Review
The great characterization of Jackie Estacado and a lot of gorgeous art made this a good book. Though Marz might be saving his true intentions for the Top Cow characters until Artifacts it doesnt diminish the enjoyment that can be had from this mini-series. I say, buy it. Read Full Review
I highly recommend Angelus #3 as your starting point into this mini. Issues #1 and #2 are avoidable at this point and with the recap page you get all the information you need to start here. This is an excellent start for someone wanting to jump onboard and get a great read with great characters and amazing action. Things are really looking up for this mini and I couldnt be more excited for it. Read Full Review